Second Story Books works with government and private institutions, colleges, and universities, helping them build their special collections through donation or purchase. Second Story Books has been engaged as agent for sale, intermediary or advisor by the Library of Congress, Smithsonian Institution, Ge...
If you choose a business name or DBA that is different than your personal name, then you may need to register it with the county clerk’s office or with your state government, depending on where your business is located. Some states require DBA name filings to be made public for the prot...
social sciences political science and government, general sociology, general multi/interdisciplinary studies multi-/interdisciplinary studies, general health professions and related programs respiratory care therapy/therapist registered nursing/registered nurse integration with campus can earn degree entirely ...
The company entered electronic publishing in the early 1960s, and initially, licensed electronic versions of its products to government, academic, and commercial institutions. In the 1970s, Merriam-Webster began providing word lists for computer spell-checking software. Since that time, the company ...
Business/Government Applications Course Offerings Credit-granting courses 23 Faculty Instructional faculty who teach courses accessible online 3 full-time; 7 part-time Instructional faculty with Ph.D. or terminal degree 100% full-time; 43% part-time Tenured or tenure-track faculty 2 Avera...
If we had not had the Articles of Confederation to learn how to create a national government, there is a very good chance that we could not have had the present Constitution. The following are short biographies of each of America’s first presidents. ...
controlled states (Daily Sentinel) 13-dec (14:25) Sister Wives' Meri Brown Gives Rare Update on Her Private Child Leon (eNews) 13-dec (14:25) Why Megan Fox's Ex Brian Austin Green Is "Heartbroken" Over MGK Split (eNews) 13-dec (14:25) Can an Islamist government rebuild a ...
–Linda Bond, Auntie's Bookstore, Spokane"Wohlleben has taken off his gloves and has named the enemy: foresters, and associated players like government agencies, lumber companies, lobbyists, PLUS the heavy machinery that kills soil for centuries (think of still-visible Roman roads) [...] ...
Handbook Of Government Budgeting :- by Roy Meyers How To Be A Cheap Hawk :- The 1999 & 2000 Defense Budgets by Michael O'Hanlon International Capital Budgeting :- by Adrian Buckley Memos To The Governor :- An Introduction To State Budgeting by Dall Forsythe Surrender :- How The Clint...
government, at the expense of the states. Hamilton is regarded as the “Father of the National Debt” because he felt that a national debt was really a “blessing.” The more money the government owed to the people of the country, the more the people had a stake in the success of the...