(unit of conductance); switch SASE—self-addressed stamped envelope SCF—switched capacitor filter SCR—silicon controlled rectifier SEC—Section Emergency Coordinator SET—Simulated Emergency Test SGL—State Government Liaison SHF—super-high frequency (3-30 GHz) SM—Section Manager; silver mica (...
Breadcrumbs cm11_grouper /external /srec /config /en.us /dictionary / large.okTop File metadata and controls Code Blame 32918 lines (32918 loc) · 506 KB Raw #LANG=EN-US -pau- # -pau2- # 0 4 0 =Y07 00 hundr6d 1 5F| 10 2x| 100 uhundr6d 100 wunhundr6d 1000 wunT?z~d 11...