United States of America (1941) Medium Tank – 1,000 Planned, 12 Built As early as summer 1941, it was outlined in the design of the Medium Tank T6 – the future M4 Sherman – that consideration be given to a degree of modularity when it came to the tank’s main gun. It was hoped...
The US Marine Corps (USMC) has selected Raytheon Missile Systems to supply a new 120 mm precision munition for its Expeditionary Fire Support System (EFSS) towed mortar platform. The Precision Extended Range Munition (PERM) programme was awarded to Raytheon following a competition against Orbital ...
Also included in the aid package are more rockets for the High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems, or HIMARS; 500 precision-guided artillery rounds for howitzers; 30 mortar systems and 10,000 mortar rounds; 37 Mine Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) Vehicles; 120 Humvees; six armored trucks; mor...
M150/M151 Mortar Fire Control System-Dismounted With an ability to provide significant high-angle fires lethality, the 120 mm dismounted mortar system provides indirect-fire support in an easily managed and rapidly deploy-able configuration when towed behind a Humvee. While vehicle-mo... SR Gourley...
The chloride ingress resistance of concrete is determined by its pore volume and, even more importantly, the pore structure of the concrete or mortar, which in turn means the pore structure of the cement paste and its interfacial transition zone (ITZ) because the aggregates can be considered in...
The US army has effectively discontinued a program to develop a smart mortar round, as it continues fielding new precision guided munitions (PGMs). The main issue is the XM395 precision guided Mortar Munition (PGMM): a 120 mm semiactive laser guided mortar round being developed by Alliant Tec...
Four protein extracts were prepared by crushing the antennae and the legs of two males and two females (FAant, MAant, FLeg, MLeg) in a mortar under liquid nitrogen with a solution of 6 M Urea/2 M Thiourea in Tris-Cl 50 mM pH 7.4. The protein extracts were centrifuged at 13,000 rp...
1918 WWI US Army Provisional drill regulations for trench mortar batteries 6 Newton & the 240mm. chapters II, VI, & VIII 34p 1918 WWI US Army Provisional drill regulations, Anti-aircraft 75 MM gun, semi-fixed mount, model 1915 86p 1918 WWI US Army Provisional infantry training manual, ...
barrier layers42comprising a polyethylene material, layered on the respective material of the base layer22. As also depicted inFIG.2A, the barrier region70of the barrier layer42can be configured with a thickness98(e.g., through extrusion, rolling, etc.) of about 0.10 mm to about 1.5 mm....