September 8, 2006: The Israeli Army is fielding the Cardom 120mm mortar system with the fire support company of the Nahal (900) infantry brigade. The advanced mortar, developed by Soltam, is mounted on a traversable plane which provides automatic aiming and fire adjustments performed through ...
ARMY MIL-DTL-32248 VALID NOTICE 1-2013由(美国)军事条例和规范 US-ARMY 发布于 2013-03-12。 ARMY MIL-DTL-32248 VALID NOTICE 1-2013 弹药筒,点火器:M1020 for the 120MM Mortar M120 and M121的最新版本是哪一版? ARMY MIL-DTL-32248 VALID NOTICE 1-2013已经是当前最新版本。
Army designed fire control system for the 120mm towed mortar and manufacture, procure and integrate all of the components into a complete kit and install these kits at both CONUS and OCONUS locations. Since contract award, Elbit Systems of America has worked closely with representatives of the U...
弹药筒,点火器,M702 适用于 60 毫米迫击炮 CARTRIDGE, IGNITION, M702 FOR 60 MM MORTAR 标准号 ARMY MIL-DTL-32246 (1)-2012 2012年 发布单位 (美国)军事条例和规范 购买 正式版 专题 m375a2迫击弹 ARMY MIL-DTL-32246 (1)-2012相似标准 MIL MIL-DTL-32246-200860毫米迫击炮用M702点火弹药MIL MIL-DTL...
PROPELLANT, M9 FOR USE WITH CHARGE, PROPELLING M36A1 FOR 4.2 INCH MORTAR作废首页 标准 ARMY MIL-P-60019 A NOTICE 2-1996 引用关系 M36A1式4.2英寸迫击炮发射装药系统用M9发射药 是非强制性国家标准,您可以免费下载预览页 搜索 高级搜索 ARMY MIL-P-60019 A NOTICE 2-1996 预览[下载] 引用关系 谁引用...