你可以通过Apple Podcasts Connect或托管 Feed 的服务器来更改 URL,具体取决于播客原始 RSS Feed URL 的状态。 RSS Feed 托管在第三方 大部分第三方托管服务提供商均支持配置重定向,从而协助你将 RSS Feed 迁移至新的 URL。提供商会负责处理一切事项,因此你无需在Apple Podcasts Connect中进行任何操作。进一步了解更...
Wait no longer! Create RSS feeds for all websites you care about and read them from the comfort of your feed reader. 现在越来越多的网站都不支持 RSS 订阅了,而作为 RSS 的忠实粉丝,还是希望有个工具可以将自己关注的网站内容聚合在一起,然后实时推送到手机上,及时获取最新消息和新闻动态。
是指通过JavaScript编程语言从一个RSS feed中提取附件的URL链接。RSS(Really Simple Syndication)是一种用于发布和订阅网站内容的标准格式。附件可以是图片、音频、视频或其他文件类型。 在JavaScript中获取附件URL的步骤如下: 解析RSS feed:使用XMLHttpRequest或fetch API从指定的RSS feed URL获取XML数据。 解析XML数据:...
To find a WordPress RSS feed, simply add /feed to the end of the URL; e.g., https://justinpot.com/feed. I do this any time I visit a website that I'd like an RSS feed for—it almost always works. If it doesn't work, here are a few tricks for finding RSS feeds on other...
An internet address (for example,http://www.hmhco.com/about-hmh), usually consisting of the access protocol (http), the domain name (hmhco.com), and optionally the path to a file or resource residing on the server where the domain name resides (about-hmh). ...
RSS Feed URL Finder 是一款 Chrome 扩展程序,可简化在各种网站上查找和访问 RSS feed 的过程。只需单击一下,您就可以查看所有可用的 RSS 源,并轻松复制其 URL 以在您喜爱的 RSS 阅读器中使用。 我们的扩展提供自动提要检测、pviews 一目了然、轻松的 URL 复制以及跨不同网站和内容格式的广泛兼容性。此外,其...
I want to make a tech news app in android by parsing rss feed from various tech websites, I have found techcrunch rss feed URL by looking for href in page source using type="application/rss+xml". RSS feed URL of techcrunch: http://techcrunch.com/feed/ I'm unable to find similar URL...
在Outlook 2010和2013中,請點擊文件>資料包>帳戶設置>帳戶設置. 第2步:在“帳戶設置”對話框中, 點擊RSS訂閱標籤; 選擇並突出顯示要查看其URL地址的RSS Feed。 點擊更改按鈕。 第3步:現在,進入RSS Feed選項對話框,您將在地點:領域。 請參見以下屏幕截圖: 步驟4:點擊OK按鈕,關閉按鈕退出對話框。
In this example the attribute type value seems to be enough to determine the feed but that is not guaranteed to be set outside of your example. You can try and guess by searching the markup for links containing RSS or even testing against a service like feedburner http://feeds.feedburner....
Please add the ability to edit the URLs of RSS feeds. Right now I have to add a new one and then delete the old one, one by one. This is time-consuming if you have a lot of feeds. #453 is the only relevant thread I found, but it's not th...