Set up RSS Feed in iGoogle If you haven't usediGooglebefore its just the same as your favorite old search engine, but with the ability to customize what you see. Its kind of like being able to cut up a newspaper and put your own favorite sections all on the front page. Among other ...
Search for and select RSS by Zapier as the action app and Create Item in Feed as the action event. Click Continue. Add a name for your RSS feed in the Feed URL box. This is the URL you'll later copy and add to your RSS feed reader. Give your RSS feed a name under Feed Title....
When visiting any website you should look for the standard orange RSS feed logo. If you locate the icon, you can usually click on it and it will take you to the website’s RSS feed where you can obtain the URL for the feed source settings....
The following two articles show you how to create an RSS syndication feed that adheres to the RSS 2.0 specification step by step. Reference URL: 1. Building an RSS feed made simple, posted by Jeff 2. Syndicating Your Web Site's Content wit...
For more information, see How to: Create a Basic WCF Web HTTP Service. Implement the service contract. C# Copy public class BlogService : IBlog { public Rss20FeedFormatter GetBlog() { SyndicationFeed feed = new SyndicationFeed("My Blog Feed", "This is a test feed", new Uri("http://...
Different ways to create email campaigns in MailerLiteHow to create and schedule a campaignHow to add a survey or quiz in a campaignHow to edit the plain-text version of a campaignHow to send a campaign to an individual subscriberHow to exclude subscribers from a campaign or an automationHow...
Learn how to use RSS feeds with IFTTT - Automate your RSS feeds today! In this ultimate guide to understanding, using, and automating RSS feeds we will cove...
How To Create an RSS FeedDawn Marie Yankeelov
Most marketers find RSS feeds an easy add-on to their marketing strategy. Here's what you need to know for your basic how-to for using RSS. Create your RSS feed Creating your site's RSS feed is as easy as 1-2-3. Well, it's as easy as 1-2-3-4. ...
. Paste it into your RSS aggregator app, and if an RSS feed exists for that page, you can subscribe to it immediately. But if no RSS feed exists, you're not necessarily out of luck. Instead, you can use the free to create an RSS feed for that page. Once you have an ...