Penetration of microorganisms from the blood stream into the urine through the intact kidneysn32900* --physics--shieldingcomputersgamma radiationnumericalsprogrammingshielding shielding/gamma, sabine computer program forgamma radiation/shielding calculations, sabine computer program for...
Thus, in separate experiments, the elution position and recovery of urinary lactofemn were verified by the addition of trace quantities (<5 pg) of [1251]-labeleldactofemn to test aliquots of preterm infant urines. Under the conditions specified, the recovery of lactofemn was routinely ( n...
The tubular fluid usually contains only trace amounts of protein so it exerts no effective osmotic force on the glomerular membrane. * The glomerular capillary hydrostatic pressure is the major force inducing filtration across the glomerular capillary bed Because of the autoregulation of renal blood ...
Sensory analysis of the other urine sets where each test person consumed about 3 g of raw garlic indicated that a slight "garlic-/cabbage-like" odor was perceivable during the first hours after garlic consumption, sometimes being perceivable up to 24 h later. The intensities of this odor ...