Penetration of microorganisms from the blood stream into the urine through the intact kidneysn32900* --physics--shieldingcomputersgamma radiationnumericalsprogrammingshielding shielding/gamma, sabine computer program forgamma radiation/shielding calculations, sabine computer program for...
Thus, in separate experiments, the elution position and recovery of urinary lactofemn were verified by the addition of trace quantities (<5 pg) of [1251]-labeleldactofemn to test aliquots of preterm infant urines. Under the conditions specified, the recovery of lactofemn was routinely ( n...
The tubular fluid usually contains only trace amounts of protein so it exerts no effective osmotic force on the glomerular membrane. * The glomerular capillary hydrostatic pressure is the major force inducing filtration across the glomerular capillary bed Because of the autoregulation of renal blood ...
Pierre, P.V.; Wallin, I.; Eksborg, S.; Ehrsson, H. Quantitative liquid chromatographic determination of intact cisplatin in blood with microwave-assisted post-column derivatization and UV detection.J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal.2011,56, 126–130. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] ...
Sensory analysis of the other urine sets where each test person consumed about 3 g of raw garlic indicated that a slight "garlic-/cabbage-like" odor was perceivable during the first hours after garlic consumption, sometimes being perceivable up to 24 h later. The intensities of this odor ...