Penetration of microorganisms from the blood stream into the urine through the intact kidneysn32900* --physics--shieldingcomputersgamma radiationnumericalsprogrammingshielding shielding/gamma, sabine computer program forgamma radiation/shielding calculations, sabine computer program for...
One of the studies that employed the BMD concept in the context of human toxic metal exposure focused on renal failure and attempted to discover the relationship associated to Cd exposure by calculating BMDL values of Cd in urine for the selected renal disfunction biomarkers (Jin et al., 2004)...
Their colors had flocked around the street lamps where one could still see a touch of green, a trace of yellow in the leaves. The day's heat was still lingering. I could hear the wind churning the dry air, tossing something very light in the distance. A plastic bag. I did not need...