Create account Sign in Create flashcards CoursesSwedish hindi Dictionary U urban Swedish hindi Dictionary- urban in Hindi: 1. शहरी other words beginning with "U" upptagen in Hindiupptäck in Hindiupptäckt in Hindiurblekt in Hindiutan in Hindiutanför in Hindi...
(mean) > 0: await event.edit( 'Text: **' + str + '**\n\nMeaning: **' + mean[0]['def'] + '**\n\n' + 'Example: \n__' + mean[0]['example'] + '__' ) else: await event.edit("No result found for **" + str + "**") except: await event.edit("No...
(mean) > 0: await event.edit( 'Text: **' + str + '**\n\nMeaning: **' + mean[0]['def'] + '**\n\n' + 'Example: \n__' + mean[0]['example'] + '__' ) else: await event.edit("No result found for **" + str + "**") except: await event.edit("No ...
The meaning of PAN is a usually broad, shallow, and open container for domestic use (as for cooking). How to use pan in a sentence.
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