AW: From April 1999 until the end of 2001, the planet Neptune transited the observational band of 4-7 degrees Aquarius which I had set as the boundary for observing the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction’s impact. I was curious to discover whether Neptune’s crossing would reactivate the “Jupiter-...
Synastry: Jupiter-Chiron Aspects Synastry: Saturn – Uranus Aspects Synastry: Jupiter-Saturn Aspects Synastry: Mars-Jupiter Aspects Synastry: Mars-Uranus Aspects Synastry: Jupiter-Neptune Aspects Synastry: Jupiter-Pluto Aspects Synastry: Jupiter-Uranus Aspects 1 2 3 … 7 ›...
The highlighted aspects below show the beginnings of the Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto Minor Grand Trine, which comes within a two-degree orb from 2025 to 2028. Uranus Retrograde 2024 The Magic Triangle between the outer planets is not a strong influence yet, but it will have some effect on ...
Muhammad Ali had Sun trine Uranus [orb 1 degree], as part of a grand trine with Uranus – Sun – Neptune Reply onegodmed on September 23, 2020 . I choose to open the pathway of the heart instead of rational intellect.” I love that quote, and her music is definitely a reflection ...
habits and behaviors that have been handed down from generation to generation through the family. Breaking these patterns is going to hurt and it is going to hurt bad. Patterns are hard to break, but they must be broken for us to move forward as a population of people. Neptune, Pluto and...
The difference between Neptune, (the dream-maker), and Uranus (the knowledge-bringer) in this instance is subtle but clear. Astrology is hugely complex and has to contend with a realm of possibilities not certainties. Complexity and fluidity may seem irritatingly chaotic and confused but such is...
Uranus Transits - Surprise, Surprise! When Uranus makes a transit to any planet in your birth chart, that planet gets whooped upside the head. You're in for some cosmic surprises. Sometimes it's liberating, and other times you're thrown into utter chaos. If you've coasted along with a...
seen through his lyrics over time. Also, I have a trine aspect between Venus and Uranus in my own natal chart and it is exact. Sudden attachments and sudden disappearances have been part of my learning about love and relationships. It took me this Uranus Transit to acknowledge and accept ...
When Uranus by transit conjunct my 4th house cusp, February 23rd, I had to move out of a home I loved as it was foreclosed on and sold on February 24, 2016. The Saturn transit was square to my natal Neptune which conjuncts my 10th house cusp. I am now living in extremes. I live...
9 thoughts on “Venus Quincunx Uranus Natal and Transit” Lilian on July 16, 2018 Hi Jamie, Thank you very much on your articles about aspects, they are very useful. I wonder could you cover when the time comes Jupiter opposite MC, and Mars trine MC aspects? Cheers Reply Jamie on ...