Saturn and Pluto (Jupiter Meets Uranus, p. 40), this will be no “ordinary” Jupiter-Uranus event: Jupiter conjunct Uranus at 0 Aries will form a T-cross with Saturn at 28 Virgo and Pluto at 4 Capricorn. Mars at 1 Virgo will trine Pluto, opposes Neptune and link back to quincunx ...
Synastry: Jupiter-Chiron Aspects Synastry: Saturn – Uranus Aspects Synastry: Jupiter-Saturn Aspects Synastry: Mars-Jupiter Aspects Synastry: Mars-Uranus Aspects Synastry: Jupiter-Neptune Aspects Synastry: Jupiter-Pluto Aspects Synastry: Jupiter-Uranus Aspects 1 2 3 … 7 ›...
Jupiter sextile Mars transit October 1. Reply ZZZZZZZ on August 11, 2016 Thank you Jamie for your response…. Lets hope this transit brings some positive change… I feel really frustrated and helpless as things are stuck and you are not able to control… Your positive response give some...
we experienced a brief taste of Uranus in Aries last summer. The situation in the summer of 2010 was a bit different because it was conjunct Jupiter in Aries making both square to Pluto in Capricorn. Now remember folks, a square is a hard challenge. So what was going on in your Life ...
Jupiter trine Uranus was also in there. There was unexpected behaviour… there were chaotic events… there was loss and heartbreak. I’m very glad Jamie posted this aspect. It looks like it was a strong determining factor in my life and I didn’t even know it! Reply gingerbread on ...
I have a strong 9th house with a happy Jupiter conj N. Node next to my MC, so have always been a Seeker. Astrology offers the most. A tool. A touchstone of sanity. A window into human nature or medicine or politics or the weather!! A one stop shop in a way! What do I believe...
Jupiter trine Uranus and Jupiter sextile Uranus have such a natural exuberance and zest for life that they attract luck and positive energy constantly. This aspect thrives on change, novelty and new inventions
We also look at the natal chart of contemporary podcaster Joe Rogan. Podcasting Planet We discuss the... « Older Entries Related Venus Sextile Uranus In "Aspects" Chart Indicators for an Astrologer In "Astrology Business" Jupiter Trine Uranus – Get Fired Up! In "Aspects"...
seen through his lyrics over time. Also, I have a trine aspect between Venus and Uranus in my own natal chart and it is exact. Sudden attachments and sudden disappearances have been part of my learning about love and relationships. It took me this Uranus Transit to acknowledge and accept ...
I have been turning around two opposition that planets in transit are making on my chart. One of them is Uranus -Jupiter on the axis and the other one Pluto in transit opposite a key planet of my chart (venus…which activates a square with natal pluto (conjunct IC) and trine with ...