Background: The recent earthquakes that occurred in Southern Turkey on the 6th of February 2023, were the most devastating earthquakes that have occurred in Turkey in the modern era. Teams of rescuers from 19 EU states quickly responded and carried out rescue missions across the affected area. ...
2023-2024 #亚冠联赛# C组:沙特阿拉伯🇸🇦联合、伊朗🇮🇷穆巴拉克钢铁塞帕罕、伊拉克🇮🇶伊拉克空军、乌兹别克斯坦🇺🇿阿尔马雷克矿冶
【#中国经济新闻人物# (2023-2024)评选启动!候选人——石药集团董事长蔡东晨】从地方卫生材料厂,到市值超千亿的国际化制药企业,26年来他率领石药扎根本地,立足国内,面向世界,以开阔视野谋求产业持续升级。2...
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