Open Facebook in a Web browser, and sign in once you find a symbol you want to insert. Step 5 Click on the symbol in the Character Map, and click "Select" and "Copy." Go back to your Facebook page, and right-click in a text field, such as Status Update, then select "Paste."...
Copy and Paste Symbols: Squared Creating the math symbol for squared using the familiar copy and paste procedure is easy. You need to locate an example of the symbol you're looking for, such as this squared symbol:2. Highlight it with your mouse and pressControlandCat the same time to c...
Open a browser and search for "upside down question mark," then copy and paste it into a text field. Not Helpful 23 Helpful 3 Ask a Question Submit Tips You can use many of the same methods to write an upside down exclamation point. Submit a Tip All tip submissions are carefull...