Find the regular exclamation mark (!) and tap and hold to reveal the other options. Choose the upside-down exclamation point. You can also use Dictation to say the name of the punctuation mark, “inverted exclamation mark.” Here is how: Turn on Dictation if you have not already by going...
The upside-down or inverted question marks and exclamation points of Spanish are unique to thelanguages of Spain. But they make a lot of sense: When you're reading in Spanish, you can tell long before the end of a sentence whether you're dealing with a question, something that isn't al...
Copy and Paste Symbols: Squared Creating the math symbol for squared using the familiar copy and paste procedure is easy. You need to locate an example of the symbol you're looking for, such as this squared symbol:2. Highlight it with your mouse and pressControlandCat the same time to c...