Using the Upside-Down Exclamation Point As already mentioned, theupside-down exclamation pointis used at the beginning of anexclamation. Notice that it can appear in the middle of a sentence to indicate that aphraseisexclamatory, such as in the first example listed below: ...
The upside-down or inverted question marks and exclamation points of Spanish are unique to thelanguages of Spain. But they make a lot of sense: When you're reading in Spanish, you can tell long before the end of a sentence whether you're dealing with a question, something that isn't al...
Exclamation Point / Question Mark upside down Exclamation Point and Question Mark are upside down when typing. The icon on the keyboard shows them correct, but when hold down on the button and get the pop-up, they both print inverted. Can't for the life of me figure out how to change ...
How about the “S’up?” for the inverted question mark… and the “Dude!” for the inverted exclamation point… Today’s population being….well….what it is…it’s important not to assign anything a name that Bill or Ted would have a hard time remembering. PiOctober 08, 2009...
Check the box for "Advanced View" in the Character Map window, and select "Unicode Subrange" in the drop-down menu for "Group By." In the "Group By" window that appears next to the Character Map, click on the different settings such as Symbols & Dingbats to see the Unicode symbols in...
Copy and Paste Symbols: Squared Creating the math symbol for squared using the familiar copy and paste procedure is easy. You need to locate an example of the symbol you're looking for, such as this squared symbol:2. Highlight it with your mouse and pressControlandCat the same time to ...
Open a browser and search for "upside down question mark," then copy and paste it into a text field. Not Helpful 23 Helpful 3 Ask a Question Submit Tips You can use many of the same methods to write an upside down exclamation point. Submit a Tip All tip submissions are carefull...