Stockbauer,T. E. Madey."UPS synchrotron radiation studies of NH3 adsorption on TiO2 (110),".Surface Science. 1992UPS synchrotron radiation studies of NH3 adsorption on TiO2 (110),". E. L. Roman,J. L. Desegovia,R. L. Kurtz,R. Stockbauer,T. E. Madey. Surface Science . 1992...
From the analysis of the UPS Ti 3+ 3d signal, as well as from the Li(2s) emission, it is concluded that the degree of ionicity of the adsorbed Li decreases from 100% at 0.3 MLE to 40% at 0.7 MLE. Above 0.5 MLE the MIES spectra are dominated by an Li(2s)-induced peak ...
adsorptioncopper compoundselectron energy loss spectramolecular electronic statesmolecular vibrationtitanium compounds/ rehybridisationmolecular orientationearly adsorption stagesTiO 2(110)The valence-band electronic structures and vibrational modes of molecular-beam CuCl deposited upon 1 × 1 TiO 2(110) ...
electron spectraelectron-surface impactenergy gapinterstitialsoxidationsurface morphologyWe have studied reduced TiO 2 (110) surfaces by combining metastable impact electron spectroscopy (MIES) and UPS(HeI). The reduced Ti species were preparation-induced: their number density was modified either by ...
Band structure calculations in tight binding approximation have been performed for the bulk of BaTiO3 and for two hypothetical thin films with either TiO2 or BaO on the surface. The XPS valence band is interpreted in terms of O2p, Ti3d and Ba5p contributions. The 4o.8eV UPS valence band ...
The interaction of H2O and CO2 with bare and alkali (Li, Na, K, Cs) pre-covered TiO2 surfaces was investigated (130 and 300 K). Metastable impact electron spectroscopy and ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy (HeI and II) spectra were collected in situ during the exposure procedure. For H2O...
Martin-Gago, “The interaction of Pt with TiO2(110) surfaces: a comparative XPS, UPS, ISS, and ESD study” Surface Science, Vol. 345, 1996, p. 261. :Schierbaum, K.; Fischer, S.; Torquemada, M.; Segovia, J. D.; Roman, E.; Martin-Gago, J. The interaction of Pt with TiO2(...
The evolution of the 2p, 3s and 3p core level line shapes of V and Ti as a function of the vanadium oxide thickness was studied, as well as the O1s and O2s core lines and the valence band. All the V2p spectra of the deposited vanadium oxide layers consist of at least 60% V5+, ...
H2O interaction with bare and Li-precovered TiO2. Studies with electron spectroscopies (MIES and UPS (HeI and II)). Krischok, S,Hofft, O,Gunster, J,Stultz, J,Goodman, D.W,Kempter, V. Surface Science . 2001H 2 O interaction with bare and Li-precovered TiO 2 : studies with electron...
KRISCHOK S,HEOFFT O,KEMPTER V.The chemisorption of H2O and on TiO2 surfaces:studies with MIES and UPS(He Ⅰ/Ⅱ)[J].Surface Science,2002,16(5):69-73.KRISCHOK S;HEOFFT O;KEMPTER V.The chemisorption of H2O and on TiO2 surfaces:studies with MIES and UPS(He Ⅰ/Ⅱ).Surface Science....