(B) Auger electron spectra of sputter etched CuIn(Se0.5 S0.5 )2 thin film (A) Auger electron spectra of as-deposited CuIn(Se0.5 S0.5 )2 thin film俄歇深度分析俄歇深度分析AESAES的深度分析功能是俄歇电子能谱最有用的分析功能。的深度分析功能是俄歇电子能谱最有用的分析功能。其分析原理是先用其...
doi:10.1016/0039-6028(85)90797-6Jan PaulElsevier B.V.Surface ScienceJ. Paul, UPS spectra of H 2 O, CH 3 OH and C 5 H 9 OH adsorbed onto Cu(111)/Na and Na(cp), Surf. Sci. 160 , 599–617 (1985).
UPS Spectra of the Polyacetylene Derivatives Carrying Stable Radical SubstituentsSUBSTITUTED POLYACETYLENESUPSIONIZATION POTENTIALPI-CONJUGATIONELECTRONIC STRUCTUREPolymer Journal, official journal of the Society of Polymer Science, Japan publishes high quality papers in all areas of polymer and macromolecular ...
[2-3] [1] T. Gustafsson , E. W. Plummer , D. E. Eastman and J. L. Freeouf , Interpretation of the photoelectron spectra of molecularly adsorbed CO, Solid State Commun., 1975, 17 , 391 —396 [1] A. Cassuto , M. Mane , M. Hugenschmidt , P. Dolle and J. Jupille , The e...
UPS spectra also have strong angular dependence for the excited electron, which can give information about band structure in the k space. The light incidence angle and polarization and, the plane of incidence (with respect to the surface, crystal lattice) determine the A for the exc...
关于用UPS测量功函数_张滨 第25卷第4期2007年7月 物理测试 P hysics Examination and T esting V ol.25,No.4July 2007 作者简介:张 滨(1978),女,硕士生; E -mail:b inzhang@imr.ac.cn ; 修订日期:2006-11-14 关于用U PS 测量功函数 张 滨, 孙玉珍, 王文皓 (中国科学院金属研究所分析...
紫外光电子能谱(UPS)_俄歇电子能谱(AES)紫外光电子能谱(UPS)(UltravioletPhotoelectronSpectroscopy)前言 紫外光电子能谱是近二十多年来发展起来的一门新技术,它在研究原子、分子、固体以及表面/界面的电子结构方面具有独特的功能。由紫外光电子能谱测定的实验数据,经过谱图的理论分析,可以直接和分子轨道的能级、...
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This band gap was further confirmed by the UPS and IPES spectra, which were well reproduced by the calculated density of states with the HSE hybrid functional. The Cs2SnI6 films exhibited n-type conduction with a carrier density of ... B Saparov,JP Sun,W Meng,... - 《Chemistry of Mate...
The resolution in photoelectron spectra is limited by the spectral width of the exciting radiation and the energy resolution of the electron analyser. Additionally, undesired structures are produced by nonmonochromatic sources. Deconvolution of the spectra often fails on unknown response functions, insuffic...