Ifusing static file storage Your builds are published to S3 or other similar static file host using a tool like@electron-forge/publisher-s3 Installation npm i update-electron-app Usage Withupdate.electronjs.org Drop this anywhere in your main process: ...
npm i update-electron-appUsageDrop this anywhere in your main process:require('update-electron-app')()That's it! Here's what happens by default:Repository URL is found in your app's package.json file. Your app will check for updates at startup, then every ten minutes. This interval is...
Available on GitHub Discord New OpenCollective NPM Unpkg CDN JSdeliver CDN Try online Tailwind Play Codepen related projects Theme Change daisyUI UnoCSS preset React-daisyUI MaryUI for Laravel SaraUI for SvelteKit PhlexyUI for Phlex Protos for Phlex Backpex for Phoenix Tailwind ...
Run npm run package to produce the newer version of the app. Create a new release for your Github repository matching the version of your app and name the release v.2.0.0. Upload release files: auto-update-electron-app-win-2.0.0.exe, auto-update-electron-app-win-2.0.0.exe.blockmap &...
"test": "jest && standard --fix && npm run lint && standard-markdown", "lint": "tslint -c tslint.json index.d.ts", "watch": "jest --watch --notify --notifyMode=change --coverage", "travis-deploy-once": "travis-deploy-once", "semantic-release": "semantic-release" 9 tslint.jso...
Description v30 ElectronJS has been released, let's upgrade the app. https://github.com/electron/electron/releases/tag/v30.0.2 Acceptance Criteria Upgrade to v30 ElectronJS Try to npm run package on Windows -> Verify can build it Try to ...
$ npm install electron-prebuilt -g $ npm install gulp -g Get the code $ git clone git@github.com:evolvelabs/electron-updater-sample.git $ cd electron-updater-sample $ npm install Running $ electron . Optionally Deploy app to release directory $ gulp $ cd release $ ./electron About...
🌲 A drop-in module that adds autoUpdating capabilities to Electron apps - Release v2.0.1 · electron/update-electron-app
npm install node-gyp@10.0.1 -g --prefix "$nodeGypDir" $env:npm_config_node_gyp = "${nodeGypDir}/node_modules/node-gyp/bin/node-gyp.js" $env:npm_config_arch = "$(VSCODE_ARCH)" $env:CHILD_CONCURRENCY="1" retry { exec { yarn --frozen-lockfile --check-files } } env: ...
Version: electron-builder 13.5.0 electron-updater 1.6.1 Target: Win x64 MacOS It looks like appUpdater checks for app-update.yml inside the electron dist/resources folder. Without it you'll get an error like: Error: Error: ENOENT: no suc...