Your builds are published to S3 or other similar static file host using a tool like@electron-forge/publisher-s3 Installation npm i update-electron-app Usage Drop this anywhere in your main process: const{updateElectronApp}=require('update-electron-app')updateElectronApp(...
import{createElectronApp}from'electron-incremental-update'import{GitHubProvider}from'electron-incremental-update/provider'createElectronApp({updater:{// optinal, you can setup laterprovider:newGitHubProvider({username:'yourname',repo:'electron',}),},beforeStart(mainFilePath,logger){logger?.debug(mainFi...
npm i update-electron-appUsageDrop this anywhere in your main process:require('update-electron-app')()That's it! Here's what happens by default:Repository URL is found in your app's package.json file. Your app will check for updates at startup, then every ten minutes. This interval is...
下⾯是Electron应⽤使⽤electron-builder配合electron-updater实现⾃动更新的解决⽅案。1.安装 electron-updater 包模块 npm install electron-updater --save 2.配置package.json⽂件 为了打包时⽣成latest.yml⽂件,需要在 build 参数中添加 publish 配置。"build": { "productName": "***",//隐藏...
check update for electron app.asar file. Latest version: 0.0.6, last published: 8 years ago. Start using electron-asar-autoupdate in your project by running `npm i electron-asar-autoupdate`. There are no other projects in the npm registry using electron-
1.0.0304latest Version History VersionDownloads (Last 7 Days)Published 1.0.03046 years ago 0.0.2-development26 years ago 0.0.1-development16 years ago 0.0.0-development26 years ago Install npm iupdate-electron-s3 Version 1.0.0 License
"node_modules/@electron/get": { "version": "2.0.3", "resolved": "", "integrity": "sha512-Qkzpg2s9GnVV2I2BjRksUi43U5e6+zaQMcjoJy0C+C5oxaKl+fmckGDQFtRpZpZV0NQekuZZ+tGz7EA9TVnQtQ==", "dependencies": { "debug"...
$ npm i serialport @types/serialport -S 配置.umirc.ts import{ defineConfig }from'umi';exportdefaultdefineConfig({electronBuilder: {//可选参数buildType:'webpack',//webpack或vite,vite构建速度更快,但兼容性有问题mainSrc:'src/main',//默认主进程目录preloadSrc:'src/preload',//默认preload目录,...
Updated Electron 16.0 compat data mapping Many other minor fixes and improvements v3.18.3 Compare Source Fixed the prototype chain of AggregateError constructor that should contain Error constructor Fixed incorrect AggregateError.prototype properties descriptors Fixed InstallErrorCause internal operation Added...
Updated Electron 21 compat data mapping Some stylistic changes, minor fixes, and improvements v3.25.0 Compare Source Added Object.prototype.__proto__ polyfill It's optional, legacy, and in some cases (mainly because of developers' mistakes) can cause problems, but some libraries depend on it...