Oracle Database PL/SQL Language Referencefor information on using theBULKCOLLECTclause to return multiple values to collection variables error_logging_clause Theerror_logging_clausehas the same behavior in anUPDATEstatement as it does in anINSERTstatement. Refer to theINSERTstatementerror_logging_clause...
SQL>settimingonSQL>updatetest1 t12sett1.object_name=(selectt2.object_name3fromtest2 t24wheret2.object_id=t1.object_id);10000rows updated. Elapsed:00:06:33.35ExecutionPlan---0UPDATESTATEMENT Optimizer=ALL_ROWS (Cost=2923252Card=10011Bytes=790869)10UPDATEOF'TEST1'21TABLEACCESS (FULL)OF'TEST1'(...
Any valid SQL expression. For more information, seeOracle Database SQL Reference. subquery ASELECTstatement that provides a set of rows for processing. Its syntax is like that ofselect_into_statementwithout theINTOclause. See"SELECT INTO Statement". table_reference A table or view that must be ...
Oracle连接(connection)与会话(session) 连接:Communication between auser processandaninstance 会话:Specific connection of a user to aninstancethrough auser process 在Oracle数据库之中,每一个连接到此数据库的用户都是一个“SESSION”,每一个SESSION都拥有独立的事务,都可以使事务操作命令,不同的SESSION事务是完...
Name SQL-11: Specify columns to be updated in a SELECT FOR UPDATE statement. Synopsis Use the SELECT FOR UPDATE statement to request that locks be placed on all rows identified … - Selection from Oracle PL/SQL Best Practices [Book]
Oracle DELETE [FROM]{table_name | view_name | select_statement} [WHERE clause]Microsoft SQL Server DELETE [FROM ]{ table_name [ [AS] table_alias] WITH ( [Un])| view_name [ [AS] table_alias]| rowset_function_limited } [ FROM {} [,Un] ][WHERE { <search_condition>...
Use the MERGE statement to select rows from one table for update or insertion into another table. The decision whether to update or insert into the target table is based on a condition in the ON clause. It is a new feature of Oracle Ver. 9i. It is also known as UPSERT i.e. combinat... 2.1 操作需要createjob的权限,所以先赋权 SQL> conn / as sysdba; Connected. SQL> grant create job to icd; Grant succeeded. SQL> conn icd/icd; Connected. ...
The second assignment in the following statement setscol2to the current (updated)col1value, not the originalcol1value. The result is thatcol1andcol2have the same value. This behavior differs from standard SQL. UPDATEt1SETcol1=col1+1,col2=col1; ...
Condition为一个逻辑表达时,其中必须包含相关名称,而不能包含查询语句,也不能调用PL/SQL函数。 WHEN子句指定的触发约束条件只能用在BEFORE和AFTER行触发器中,不能用在INSTEAD OF行触发器和其它类型的触发器中。 INSTEAD OF选项(创建替代触发器)使ORACLE激活触发器,而不执行触发事件。