提到可以用MERGE: --wkc168 发表于 2012-3-2 13:28mergeintoc using (select*fromb) aon(c.g=a.h)whenmatchedthenupdatesetc.e=a.f http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5380559/update-statement-using-with-clause
Example - Using EXISTS Clause You can also perform more complicated updates in Oracle. You may wish to update records in one table based on values in another table. Since you can't list more than one table in the Oracle UPDATE statement, you can use theOracle EXISTS clause. ...
UPDATEmytable t-- Update using WITH statementSETvalue3=(WITHcompAS(SELECTid, value1FROMmytable tWHEREvalue2>10)SELECTc.value1FROMcomp cWHEREc.id=t.id ); 2 0 更新oracle UPDATET_NAMESETPARAM_1=23, PARAM_2=trueWHEREPARAM_7='something' ...
Grow your skills. Try our tutorials and labs with Oracle Cloud Free Tier, your own tenancy, or in a free lab environment provided by Oracle. Explore Help Center Learn Oracle Developer Center Access the tools and resources you need for modern cloud development using Java, JavaScript, databases,...
SQL Statement Results SAVEPOINT a; First savepoint of this transaction DELETE...; First DML statement of this transaction SAVEPOINT b; Second savepoint of this transaction INSERT INTO...; Second DML statement of this transaction SAVEPOINT c; Third savepoint of this transaction UPDATE...; ...
But it seems like a long way round to get the value to show correctly with a Where clause Any ideas what i'm doing wrong? Thanks in advance sql oracle-database oracle11g Share Improve this question Follow asked Sep 13, 2011 at 17:22 Jamie Taylor 3,5202222 gold badges6969 silver bad...
The SQL connectors don't allow column names with nonalphanumeric characters in the SELECT clause. Remove any nonalphanumeric characters from column names using an alias. Example - SELECT column_name AS columnName To manage access to the search results, you can specify one or more ACL columns ...
Update ODP.NET to v19.8 SSMA v8.11 The v8.11 release of SSMA for Oracle contains the following changes: Support for subqueries in INSERT ... VALUES statement Improved conversion of COMMIT statement Fix bug in CONNECT BY LEVEL clause conversion Updated parser error recovery logic to be less gree...
A table lock, also called a TM lock, is acquired by a transaction when a table is modified by an INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, MERGE, SELECT with the FOR UPDATE clause, or LOCK TABLE statement. DML operations require table locks to reserve DML access to the table on behalf of a transaction ...
(1)If CURSOR_SPACE_FOR_TIMEis set to false (the default), then a cursor can be deallocatedfromthe library cache regardless ofwhether application cursors associated with its SQL statement are open.In this case, Oracle Database must verify that the cursor containing the SQLstatement is in the ...