To date, no therapy for SLE has been satisfactory. The current standard of care for SLE patients mainly relies on corticosteroids, which essentially induce systemic immunosuppression to control the disease. However, the use of corticosteroids by patients is a double- edged sword because of its ...
At the time of the cut-off for the interim analysis, mean exposure to givinostat was 4.2 years from the first intake (median: 2.8 years; range: 3 months to 11 years); 31 out of 50 patients with PV (62%) were still receiving treatment. Ten patients withdrew from the study due to A...
Also, in case of a clear discrepancy between two NITs, an ultrasound performed by experienced operators could be useful to identify signs of cirrhosis (nodular surface) and portal hypertension (portosystemic collaterals, splenomegaly, enlarged portal vein diameter). Other evaluations such as upper ...
Only 1/58 (1.7%) infant proved infected (increasing serological titles and splenomegaly at 12 weeks of age). All the remainder 57 infants seroreverted and continued asymptomatic. Eleven of the 57 non infected infants (19.3%) had both reaginic tests non reactive since birth. The remainder 46 ...
It is now well-established that momelotinib treatment in MF provides relief from symptomatic splenomegaly and constitutional symptoms, and unlike most other JAK2 inhibitors, also improves anemia in a substantial fraction of patients5. The latter effect might be related to the drug’s inhibitory acti...
Surgical resection is the optimal treatment for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), despite a high risk of recurrence. We performed a retrospective analysis of survival after recurrence (SAR) of HCC after liver resection. Time to recurrence and treatment at recurrence are major prognostic factors of SAR...
splenomegaly (≥13 cm), bulky disease (≥7 cm), B-symptoms, tumor lysis syndrome (TLS), presence of ≥2 comorbidities, andMantle Cell International Prognostic Index(MIPI) score. Laboratory variables related to blood cell count (hemoglobin, WBC, neutrophils, lymphocytes, monocytes, neutrophil/lymph...