Chivalry 圣骑术 使用圣骑土的特别能力 职业头衔:Paladin 训练者: Paladins Discordance 失调 诗人通过使用音乐降低目标生物的抗性 职业头衔:Bard 训练者: Bard, Bard Guildmaster, Waiter/Waitress Necromancy 巫术 强大的法术,与通灵技能配合使用 职业头衔:Necromancer ...
uo完整技能表[大全]UO完整技能表 一、Miscellaneous Arms Lore 武器学 Begging 乞讨 Camping 野营技能 Cartography 制图技能 Forensic Evaluation 验尸技能Item Identification 物品坚定Teste Identification 辨味技能 二、Eombat Anatomy 解剖 Archery 弓箭技能 Fencing 刺击武器 Focus 精神集中 Healing 治疗技能 Mace Fighting...
Chivalry is one of the 58 Skills of Ultima Online and is the primary talent of any character calling itself a Paladin. Chivalry allows a fighter such as a Swordsman to utilize a limited set of spells that would not be feasible with Magery. These spells include healing, curing of poison,...
1.战斗公式做了些许调整以符合新的系统 2.技能卷多了Chivalry, Focus, Necromancy, Stealing, and Stealth. 3.在AoS后不再有解不开的麻痹,特攻中的麻痹击与麻痹拳将与一般的麻痹术一样时间都是4秒 4.Arms Lore仍然与拳合用在Disarm特攻上,然而对于物品将不再给予任何信息,玩家将可由新的选单中看出所有物品...
UO技能中英文对照 Alchemy炼金术-- Blacksmithy铁匠300 Bowcraft(制弓)//-- Carpentry木匠-- chivalry骑士精神300 Cooking烹饪--- Fishing钓鱼-- focus集中300 Healing(绷带医疗)300 Herding放牧-- Lockpicking开锁术-- Lumberjacking伐木-- Magery魔法300 Meditation(冥想)?? Mining采矿-- Musicianship音乐-- N...
Chivalry 骑士精神 Evaluating Intelligence 智力评估 Magery 魔法技能 Meditation 冥想技能 Necromancy 死灵法术 Ninjitsu 忍术 Resisting Spells 抗魔技能 Spellweaving 集成咒文 Spirit Speak 通灵技能 五、Wilderness Animal Lore 动物学 Animal Taming 驯兽 Fishing 捕魚技能 Herding 放牧技能 Tracking 追踪技能 Veterinary ...
We want you to feel like the "end game" is limitless; this has allowed us to do just that! Best of all... it isFREE TO PLAY! TheONLYModern PvE/PvM UO Server (with Instanced Only PvP) Had enough of unexpected attacks while unwinding after a relaxing day? Say goodbye to open-world...
Chivalry•Evaluating Intelligence•Magery•Meditation•Mysticism•Necromancy•Resisting Spells•Spellweaving•Spirit Speak Miscellaneous Begging•Camping•Forensic Evaluation•Item Identification•Taste Identification Resource Gathering Fishing•Lumberjacking•Mining ...
Tactics战术技能 Wrestling搏击技能 三、CradeSkills Alchemy炼金 Blacksmithy铁匠 Bowcraft/Fletching制弓 Carpentry木工技能 Cooking烹饪技能 Inscription抄录技能 Lumberjacking伐木技能 Mining採矿技能 Tailoring裁缝技能 Tinkering钳工技能 四、Magic Bushido武士道 Chivalry骑士精神 EvaluatingIntelligence智力评估 Magery魔法技能 ...