Chivalry Spells manifest the 10 magic abilities of Paladins. As with Magery, Mysticism, Necromancy, and Spellweaving, a spellbook specific to the dicipline must be in the first level of a character's backpack for the applicable spell to be cast. And like all spells, Words of Power are invok...
uo完整技能表[大全]UO完整技能表 一、Miscellaneous Arms Lore 武器学 Begging 乞讨 Camping 野营技能 Cartography 制图技能 Forensic Evaluation 验尸技能Item Identification 物品坚定Teste Identification 辨味技能 二、Eombat Anatomy 解剖 Archery 弓箭技能 Fencing 刺击武器 Focus 精神集中 Healing 治疗技能 Mace Fighting...
2.一些在新魔法物品系统中没用到的魔法物品将不在生产,包括银武和含有 Clumsy, Feeblemind, Harm, Lightning, Magic Arrow, Mana Drain,Paralyze, and Weaken spells.的物品 3.Order & Chaos盾将变成可以由玩家制造,每个玩家都可以使用他,但是秩序阵营的人不能使用混沌之盾,混沌阵营的人不能使用秩序之盾 4.新...
Chivalry 骑士精神 Evaluating Intelligence 智力评估 Magery 魔法技能 Meditation 冥想技能 Necromancy 死灵法术 Ninjitsu 忍术 Resisting Spells 抗魔技能 Spellweaving 集成咒文 Spirit Speak 通灵技能 五、Wilderness Animal Lore 动物学 Animal Taming 驯兽 Fishing 捕魚技能 Herding 放牧技能 Tracking 追踪技能 Veterinary ...
Below each icon is a colored bar that gives an indication of the effect of the spell. Blue bars indicate these spells can be safely used within the guarded areas such as towns. Note that this not necessarily means they will have no negative effect on your karma, healing an evil character...
Spells-魔防 Spellweaving-秘术 Spirit Speak-通灵 Mysticism-玄术 Rogue-盗贼 Begging-乞讨 Detecting Hidden-反隐形 Hiding-隐形 Lockpicking-开锁 Poisoning-下毒 Remove Trap-解除机关 Snooping-窥探 Stealing-偷盗 Stealth-潜行 Ninjitsu-忍术 Crafting-手工艺 Arms Lore-武器学 Blacksmithy-铁匠 Bowcraft&Fletching-...
Mining採矿技能 Tailoring裁缝技能 Tinkering钳工技能 四、Magic Bushido武士道 Chivalry骑士精神 EvaluatingIntelligence智力评估 Magery魔法技能 Meditation冥想技能 Necromancy死灵法术 Ninjitsu忍术 ResistingSpells抗魔技能 Spellweaving集成咒文 SpiritSpeak通灵技能 五、Wilderness AnimalLore动物学 AnimalTaming驯兽
Skill Report Name GMs Hiding 16,973 Anatomy 16,901 Musicianship 14,826 Tactics 14,304 Evaluating Intelligence 14,227 Magery 12,306 Meditation 10,419 Swordsmanship 10,365 Wrestling 8,982 Provocation 6,143 Snooping 5,784 Stealth 5,054 Fencing 4,644 Resisting Spells 4,104 Healing 3,813 Mace ...
Chivalry 骑士精神 Evaluating Intelligence 智力评估 Magery 魔法技能 Meditation 冥想技能 Necromancy 死灵法术 Ninjitsu 忍术 Resisting Spells 抗魔技能 Spellweaving 集成咒文 Spirit Speak 通灵技能 五、Wilderness Animal Lore 动物学 Animal Taming 驯兽 Fishing 捕魚技能 Herding 放牧技能 Tracking 追踪技能 Veterinary ...