The main purpose of this program is to do theunwrapping, that is, it takes a 3D model as input and outputs a printable document with the pieces to cut. It is not a 3D modelling program. For that I recommend usingBlender. The interface looks like this: ...
= 'EDIT': return False # Need view Face mode if tuple(bpy.context.scene.tool_settings.mesh_select_mode)[1] == False: return False return True def execute(self, context): unwrap_edges_pipe(self, context) return {'FINISHED'} def unwrap_edges_pipe(self, context): bm = bmesh.from_edit...
Step 13:Let the default setting be retained for now. The only change will be to check the ‘UV Test Grid’ for users of the previous version of Blender. This makes the texture into a checker pattern. This is helpful later for editing the UV data. You can look at the 3D view and ch...
The main purpose of this program is to do theunwrapping, that is, it takes a 3D model as input and outputs a printable document with the pieces to cut. It is not a 3D modelling program. For that I recommend usingBlender. The interface looks like this: ...