如果省略了结束的三引号,Python解释器就会抛出syntaxerror: unterminated triple-quoted string literal错误。
通过get-pip.py安装 1.打开网址https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py 2.复制网页中显示的所有python代码到文本编辑器(sublime Text)中,如下所示 1.png 2.png 3.然后将里面的乱码部分给删掉,不然运行的时候会报错,如下所示 3.png 这一块给删掉,保留成这样,如下所示 4.png 4.在后面添加main调用方法,如...
EOF while scanning triple-quotedstringliteral三引号引用出错index_col=0要指明第一列为行索引,否则python会自动加一列索引 一开始不用指定df["abc"]=""这样的设置直接用df[i,"abc"]=123 进行赋值就可以创建新列如果直接用,df[:,"abc"]=123 或 df.abc=123 对不存在的列进行赋值,会报错... ...
It has been pointed out to me that the errors the tokenizer produces for unterminated strings, "EOL while scanning string literal" and "EOF while scanning triple-quoted string literal", contain parsing jargon that make it difficult for new users to understand the problem, likely a missing quote...