针对你提出的问题“unterminated dollar-quoted string at or near 'functionfunctionfunction'”,我们可以按照以下步骤进行分析和解决: 1. 确认问题背景 出现这个错误通常意味着在SQL语句中使用了美元符号()定义的字符串,但是这个字符串没有被正确地关闭。错误消息中的“)定义的字符串,但是这个字符串没有被正确地关闭...
REASY commented Jun 29, 2021 Seems like x-multi-statement=true is causing migrate to fail with error: migration failed: unterminated dollar-quoted string at or near "$BODY$ Steps to Reproduce My migrations look like CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION add_column(target REGCLASS) RETURNS VOID AS $BO...
主要原因缺少代码 官网: CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION totalRecords () RETURNS integer AS $total$ declare total integer; BEGIN SELECT count(*) into total FROM EMPLOYEES; RETURN total; END; $total$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION totalRecords () RETURNS integer AS $total$ declare total ...
I am trying to create a function in.sqlfor migration withsql-migrate but I got the error pq: unterminated dollar-quoted string at or near "$$ BEGIN NEW.updated_at = NOW()" he is my sytanx in .sql file -- +migrate Up CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION trigger_set_timestamp() RETURNS TRIGG...
I realized that I was using SQL Workbench/J Build 125 whih was released on 8th of May, 2019 and Amazon Redshift Stored Procedure support was announced on 17th of May. So the root cause of error message : "[Amazon](500310) Invalid operation: unterminated dollar-quoted string at or near ...
Unterminated quoted string | Post 302495804 by pludi on Friday 11th of February 2011 09:04:36 AM
org.postgresql.Driver No tunnels or proxies Describe the problem you’re observing: Executing a loaded script in SQL-Editor with a couple of statements for creating a new schema. In DBeaver Version 6.2.2 works fine, in 6.2.3 throws error:SQL-Error [42601]: Unterminated dollar quot...
ELSIF TG_OP='DELETE'THENINSERT INTOlogging.t_history(schemaname, tablename, operation, old_val)VALUES(TG_TABLE_SCHEMA, TG_RELNAME, TG_OP, row_to_json(OLD)); RETURN OLD; END IF; END; $$; With the last fix the Dollar quoting is basically working. f...