Unrealisedgains and losses resulting from transaction between the Group and its associates are eliminated to the extent of the Group’s investment in the associates, except whereunrealisedlosses provide evidence of impairment of the asset transferred. ...
The investment return includes interest, dividends and realisedorunrealisedcapitalandcurrencygains and losses. hsbc.com.hk hsbc.com.hk 投資回報包括利息、股息及已變賣或未變賣的資本及匯兌收益或虧損。 hsbc.com.hk hsbc.com.hk Thesefinancialliabilitiesaresubsequentlymeasuredatfairvalue, ...
The unrealised profits or losses arising from the intra-group transactions amongst the Group and its investees are eliminated in proportion to the Group's equity interest in the investees, and then based on which the investment gains or losses are recognised. 本集团与被投资单位之间未实现的内部交...
Follow. Capital gains mean the profit earned by an individual on the sale of his investment in assets such as stocks, real estate, bonds, commodities, etc. Basically, it is the 'gain' made on 'capital investment'. Is PL encashment taxable? Taxation of Leave Encashment Accumulated leave can ...
balances and unrealised gains on transactions between group companies are eliminated. asiasat.com 集團內公司之間交易,結餘及未變現 盈利 之交 易予以抵銷。 asiasat.com The investment return includes interest, dividends and realised or unrealised capital and currency gains and losses. hsbc.com.hk...
balancesandunrealised gainsontransactions between group companies are eliminated. asiasat.com asiasat.com 集團內公司之間交易,結餘及未變現盈利之交易予以抵銷。 asiasat.com asiasat.com The investment return includes interest, dividends and realisedorunrealisedcapital and currencygainsandlosses. ...
The investment return includes interest, dividends and realisedorunrealisedcapital and currency gains and losses. hsbc.com.hk hsbc.com.hk 投資回報包括利息、股息及已變賣或未變賣的資本及匯兌收益或虧損。 hsbc.com.hk hsbc.com.hk [...] Sub-Fund has elected to withhold a 10% tax provision on bot...