1.定义上的区别:没有卖掉就是unrealized,只有卖掉真正拿到的才是realized。比如一个债券,你定义为FVPL,然后你没有卖掉,这个时候价值的涨跌都是unrealized ,但是如果你卖了,那么这个时候价值的涨跌就是realized,因为钱实实在在到手了。 2.对于FVOCI和FVPL两种资产下,放的地方不一样。realized g/l两种资产都放在I/S...
Realized Gain is the gain realized or earned during the sale of an asset or investments when the selling price of the asset is greater than the purchase price or cost of acquisition of the asset and such gain is recorded in the books of accounts as the increase in the current asset of t...
This unrealized gain will not be realized until the company actually sells the stock and collects the cash. Until the stock is sold, the company only records the paper profit of $5,000 as an unrealized profit in the accumulated other comprehensive income account in the owners’ equity section...
gain动— 得动 · 收益动 · 获取动 · 增益动 · 利得动 · 赢得动 · 博得动 · 收获动 · 成果动 · 盈利动 · 实利动 · 好处动 · 谋利动 · 赢利动 查看其他译文 © Linguee 词典, 2024 ▾ 外部资源(未审查的) [...]information management projects in the Department, including any co...
Performance fee的trigger也不止完全退出一种,都是各家关上门自己和投资人谈好的,有一些行业普遍接受的...
Also identify the amount of realized holding gain and unrealized holding gain. Ignore the income taxes. 计算运行的毛利在2002年根据一个当期成本依据。 并且辨认相当数量体会的藏品获取和未实现的藏品获取。 忽略所得税。 [translate] 英语翻译 日语翻译 韩语翻译 德语翻译 法语翻译 俄语翻译 阿拉伯语翻译 ...
- Realized Investment Income is the cash gain that Carlyle receives when a fund and/or investment...
unrealized holding gain 【经】 未实现保有收益 holding gain 【经】 持有利得, 已获利益 realized gains or losses 已实现损益 realized gains 已实现收入 realized gains and losses 实际损益 gain on 跑得比…快,逼近,超过;赢得…的好感 gain by 通过…而获得 gain in 在…有所收获 相似...
asset has beenowned. A realized gain from an asset owned longer than one year is usually taxed at the capital gains rate, while an asset owned for a period shorter than a year is often subject to the higherincome taxrate. It is also called the recognized gain. See also:Unrealized gain....
A realized gain can be compared with anunrealized gain. Key Takeaways A realized gain is when an investment is sold for a higher price than it was purchased. Realized gains are often subject to capital gains tax. Depending on the holding period, it will be considered either a short-term o...