static_assert(EMeshPass::Num == 29, "Need to update switch(MeshPass) after changing EMeshPass"); //---YHRP---StylizedDataPass 28+1 #endif MeshPassProcessor MeshPassProcessor也是拓展MeshPass必须的一个步骤,需要创建一个继承自 FMeshPassProcessor 的类,该类中需要至少重载CollectPSOInitializers() ...
query which batches the bounding boxes of up to 8 props and uses that to determine visibility during the next frame. If the group becomes visible next frame (as a whole), it breaks it up and issues individual queries again. If the camera and the props are static (or slowly moving), th...
Contrary to what the documentation claimed, this function retrieved the index of the texture coordinate set in the Unreal static mesh, which is not necessarily equal to the texture coordinate set index in the glTF primitive. For the latter value, use GetGltfTextureCoordinateSetIndex instead. ...
Currently only used by StaticMeshComponent and SkeletalMeshComponent. cached_max_draw_distance (float): [Read-Only] The distance to cull this primitive at. A CachedMaxDrawDistance of 0 indicates that the primitive should not be culled by distance. can_character_step_up_on (CanBeCharacterBase)...
static void StaticFun(); UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable) void SetMesh(UStaticMesh* m); UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable) UStaticMesh * GetMesh(); UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere,BlueprintReadWrite) TSoftObjectPtr<AActor> ptr; UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite) ...
Describes how to set up collision properties for a Static Mesh in the Unreal Editor using Blueprints or Python.
In Unreal Engine, you can have Static Meshes do many things, such as change its Texture or Material during gameplay, or move throughout your Level using Sequencer. It is likely, whatever you have your Static Mesh do in your Level, you do not want to have the player be able...
Static Mesh Editor CommandDescription Viewport Toggles the display of the Viewport panel. Details Toggles the display of the Details panel. Socket Manager Displays the Socket Manager panel, which is not displayed by default. Convex Decomposition Displays the Convex Decomposition panel, which is not dis...
CurveEditor.PinnedViews Whether pinning a curve should also cause it to be exclusively added to a pinned view or not (default: off), rather than simply always remain visible. CurveTable.RemoveRedundantKeys d3d11.ZeroBufferSizeInMB The D3D11 RHI needs a static allocation of zeroes to use whe...
New: Enabled custom export of navigable geometry for foliage with InstancedStaticMesh type. Bugfix: Streaming out of a level containing a RecastNavMesh instance no longer crashes the engine. Bugfix: A bug in editor-time navigation system, resulting in removing all the saved data in static ...