MinimalViewInfo(location: Vector = Ellipsis, rotation: Rotator = Ellipsis, fov: float = 0.0, ortho_width: float = 0.0, ortho_near_clip_plane: float = 0.0, ortho_far_clip_plane: float = 0.0, perspective_near_clip_plane: float = 0.0, aspect_ratio: float = 0.0, constrain_aspect_ratio: ...
已知near plane 和 far plane 平面上点,映射到 NDC Space 下的点 z 值分别是 -1 和 1,即[n, f]\Rightarrow [-1, 1]\,我们可以列出方程得: \begin{gather}\begin{cases} \frac{-An+B}{n} = -1\\ \frac{-Af+b}{f}= 1 \end{cases} \rightarrow \begin{cases} {-An+B} = -n\\ {...
r.Ortho.DefaultUpdateNearClipPlane近い平面補正を使用するときに更新する正投影の近いクリップ平面の値。 r.Ortho.CameraHeightAsViewTarget有効にすると、近い平面の補正を計算するときに、カメラの高さをビュー ターゲットとして使用します。主に VSM のクリップマップ選択に役立ち、平面付近での...
The Near Clipping Plane is the closest point to the camera that objects will be visible. The Camera Frustum is the pyramidal shaped representation of the visible viewing area between the near and far clip planes. The Far Clipping Plane is the farthest point from the camera that objects will ...
New: Added support for global clip plane on Vulkan.New: Changed some RHI Clear methods to Draw Clear Quad as some platforms can't support scissor/excluderect.New: The View Matrices struct has been made immutable. Direct access to the members has been replaced with getters....
New: Added support for global clip plane on Vulkan.New: Changed some RHI Clear methods to Draw Clear Quad as some platforms can't support scissor/excluderect.New: The View Matrices struct has been made immutable. Direct access to the members has been replaced with getters....
Here you can select the specific axis of motion to strip from the queried data. SelectingNoneperforms no component stripping, selectingStrip XYwill only observe theXandYaxis of motion, matching along the horizontal plane, and selectingStrip Zwill only observe motion on theZaxis, only matching alon...
After over a year in maintenance mode, the official Unreal Engine Wiki is now permanently offline. These resources now live on a new community-run Unreal Engine Community Wiki —! You will b…
After over a year in maintenance mode, the official Unreal Engine Wiki is now permanently offline. These resources now live on a new community-run Unreal Engine Community Wiki —! You will b…
This fix snaps the hover point to the nearest line or plane according to the transformation. Bugfix: Fixed an issue where the brush preview was still present while using a Foliage brush and hovering on top of the UI. Removed the "Simulate" button in the toolbar of the blueprint editor ...