FIniCookedEditorPackageManager An implentation of ICookedEditorPackageManager that uses BaseGame.ini / DefaultGame.ini to control cooked editor packaging setup ICookedEditorPackageManager Allows a project to control how packages are cooked when making a cooked editor. TCookedCookerTargetPlatform TCook...
UE4Editor-Cmd.exe <GameName> -run=cook -targetplatform=<Plat1>+<Plat2> [-cookonthefly] [-iterate] [-map=<Map1>+<Map2>]Copy full snippet The commandlet must be specified via-run=cookand a platform to cook must also be specified. This will generate cooked data for the platform speci...
Previously, if you change your target joint hierarchy for IK or aim, you have to do this in outside of engine, DCC, and import back all the animations to fix the animation data with that new joint included, but this virtual bone will allow you to skip that and do all of work in en...
Nullable`1 SkipBuildClient, Nullable`1 SkipBuildEditor, Nullable`1 Cook, Nullable`1 Run, Nullable`1 SkipServer, Nullable`1 Clean, Nullable`1 Compressed, String AdditionalPakOptions, Nullable`1 IterativeCooking, String IterateSharedCookedBuild, Nullable`1 IterateShared ...
unrealpak <PakFilename> -Extract <ExtractDir> -cryptokeys="[ProjectName]\Saved\Cooked\WindowsNoEditor\[ProjectName]\Metadata\Crypto.json" unrealpak <PakFilename> -Extract -encryptindex -encryptionini -enginedir="<EngineDir>" -projectdir="<GameDir>" -platform=Windows ...
简介 通过 UnrealPak,可以将资源打包成 Pak 文件 Pak文件是UE4游戏生成的数据包文件。 Pak 之前一般先有 Cooked 步骤,将资源烘焙为对应平台支持的资源 一般打包后的项目使用 Cooked 过的 pak PIE 使用未 Cooked 过的 pak Pak 一般放在游戏路径下
New: Added landscape collision data cooking. Cooked landscapes will now create collision objects from a binary stream of cooked data, which improves level streaming performance. New: Text Render Actors now generate and cache static vertex and index buffers. ...
打开(Project)/Saved/Cooked/[Platform]/[ProjectName]/Metadata/PipelineCaches。将稳定着色器密钥 (.shk) 文件从此目录复制到您放置rec.pipelinecache文件的文件夹中。例如,C:\PSOCache。 使用以下参数运行ShaderPipelineCacheTools命令行开关(假设您的当前目录是引擎安装目录): ...
Test builds of a stand-alone executable require cooked content. If you need to iterate while profiling, but want the lower CPU overhead of a Test build, consider using “cook on the fly” (COTF). For example, shader iteration is possible with COTF Test builds. Also note that in some ...
Test builds of a stand-alone executable require cooked content. If you need to iterate while profiling, but want the lower CPU overhead of a Test build, consider using “cook on the fly” (COTF). For example, shader iteration is possible with COTF Test builds. Also note that in some ...