BuildUsePrecompiledExe, Nullable`1 CookAll, Nullable`1 CookPartialGC, Nullable`1 CookInEditor, String CookOutputDir, Nullable`1 CookMapsOnly, Nullable`1 CookOnTheFly, Nullable`1 CookOnTheFlyStreaming, Nullable`1 UnversionedCookedContent, Nullable`1 EncryptIniFiles, Nullable`1 EncryptPakIndex, Nullab...
Cook 错误且乱码: Took 3.1388531s to run MSBuild.exe, ExitCode=1 ERROR: Failed to build ""YouEngineLocalPath/Engine/Programs/AutomationTool/Saved\UATTempProj.proj"": BuildCMakeLib.Automation.cs(45,54): error CS1002: Ӧ ; poject_name/client_trunk/Saved/Logs/Cook_20230309_171015.log -comp...
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): BUILD FAILED PackagingResults: Error: Unknown Cook Failure joseph.kaile September 21, 2023, 10:18pm 8 Zack_Bradshaw: C:\Users\Zack\AppData\Roaming\Unreal Engine\AutomationTool\Logs\C+Program+Files+Epic+Games+UE_5.2\Log.txt I can’t see anything in that log...
ERROR: Cook failed. (see C:\Users\liubf\AppData\Roaming\Unreal Engine\AutomationTool\Logs\C+Program+Files+Epic+Games+UE_5.2\Log.txt for full exception trace) CommandletException: Editor terminated with exit code 1 while running Cook for C:\Users\liubf\Documents\Unreal Projects\MyCeisumTest\My...
Bugfix: Fixed timestamp checks of uncooked files when starting up the cook-on-the-fly server. Bugfix: Fixed Asset Pointer remapping issues for duplicated level packages (level Save As, level Duplicate). Bugfix: Updated most Box functions to use FORCEINLINE to improve Debug Game performance. Bu...
If you’re getting an error similar to,ERROR: Failed to find command BuildCookRun, when attempting to cook or package from a precompiled binary version of the engine distributed through UGS, it could be due to needing the source folder for this operation. ...
Line 1410 Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Private\IO\IoStore.cpp That work around still has the ICE for me in 4.27.2 when compiling in TEST / SHIPPING You can use this command line: Engine\Build\BatchFiles\RunUAT.bat BuildCookRun -project=QAGame/QAGame.uproject ...
Cooking content Before you can play the game, you will need to cook the content. To do this, reopen the LyraStarterGame project in the Unreal Editor. Select the platforms dropdown, select Windows, and verify the Binary Configuration is set to Development. Now verify the Build Target is set...
LogSavePackage: Total save time: 5.320463ms LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/36946/Documents/Unreal Projects/我的项目2/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EngineSky/T_Sky_Blue.uasset LogCook:Display: Cooking /Game/Mannequin/Character/Materials/MaterialLayers/ML_GlossyBlack...