Note that the browser in question can also be on any device on your network. This includes other computers, tablets, phones, etc. IE: Close the other browser tabs. This error can also be caused by mobile apps such as ControlR checking the status of unRaid but the server has been ...
Sign up on Unraid’s website and click on theConfirm Trial Startbutton. Log into your Unraid server’s web UI by enteringrootas theUsernamefollowed by thePasswordyou set earlier. Setting up the Unraid storage server Now that you’ve gained access to the Unraid dashboard, it’s time to in...
$caPaths['sortOrder'] = $caPaths['tempFiles']."/sortOrder.json"; $caPaths['currentServer'] = $caPaths['tempFiles']."/currentServer.txt"; $caPaths['lastUpdated'] = $caPaths['tempFiles']."/lastUpdated.json"; $caPaths['lastUpdated-old'] = $caPaths['tempFiles']."/lastUpdated-old....
unraid server OS 讨论基地 目录: 数码话题 看贴 图片 吧主推荐 本吧吧主火热招募中,点击参加 3 求助,ipad访问unraid超慢 不开心的... 不同的软件,FTP,SFTP,SMB,NFS都试了下,连接unraid下载文件和视频播放速度都只有几KB,啥原因呀,求助 张小贱 10-27 0 大佬们,求教一下安装虚拟机的过程中会死...
Writing crash report to /config/crash_report.2020.11.21.200228751692.log. Please verify you are running the latest version of flexget by using "flexget -V" from CLI or by using version_checker plugin at You are currently using version 2.10.6...
serverPort = 7000 [[proxies]] name = "web" type = "http" localPort = 80 customDomains = [""] 2. 同目录下创建 Dockerfile(unraid 命令行启动之后一段时间程序就不见了,猜测可能是需要 docker 容器启动才行,所以需要打个 docker 镜像) ...
复制openssl x509 -req -in server.csr -CA ca.crt -CAkey ca.key -CAcreateserial -out server.crt -days <持续时间> 客户 生成客户端密钥。 复制openssl genrsa -aes256 -out client.key 2048 生成要发送到 CA 的证书签名请求。 复制openssl req -out client.csr -key client.key -new ...
Dufs is a distinctive utility file server - Usage: dufs [OPTIONS] [serve-path] Arguments: [serve-path] Specific path to serve [default: .] Options: -c, --config Specify configuration file ...
参考【Deploying an unRAID NFS Server】 从6.8.2 升级到 6.9.1 只需要把 6.8.2 的config/目录整个 copy 到 6.9.1 替换掉config/目录即可。所有的配置,docker,VM 都会保留。 开心板,只需要多替换一个文件bzroot即可。 从6.9.1 升级到 6.9.2(开心) ...
My unRAID server has been one of the best things I have ever built for my home. @TheExplorographer Unraid Guides More Guides DITCHING my Homelab software for UNRAID In this video, we overview some of the general layouts and features of the UNRAID NAS software. Unraid 6.12 - All the ...