经过2023.4.25的更新,My Server插件摇身变为全新Connect,支持特性:动态远程访问、服务器深度链接、Connect UI 的服务器管理,更多功能等你挖掘! 1.启动 Unraid Connect 2.什么是 Unraid 连接? Unraid Connect 是您用于服务器管理、监控和维护的一站式解决方案。从您的 Unraid 家庭实验室直接体验云端的便捷和连通性。
复制无法访问此网站网址为 https://unraid-dl.sfo2.cdn.digitaloceanspaces.com/stable/unRAIDServer.plg 的网页可能暂时无法连接,或者它已永久性地移动到了新网址。 ERR_CONNECTION_ABORTED Unraid: 复制curl: (35) OpenSSL SSL_connect: SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL in connection to unraid-dl.sfo2.cdn.digitaloceanspaces....
MYSRC='http://hub-mirror.c.163.com'is_docker_running(){ [[ ! -S /var/run/docker.sock ]] && return 1 [[ $(docker info 2>&1) =~ "Cannot connect to the Docker daemon" ]] && return 1 || return 0}if ! is_docker_running; then...
Server Offline=服务器脱机 Server up since %s=服务器自 %s 起开始运行 Servers equipped with a myunraidnet certificate can be managed directly from within the Connect web UI=配备 myunraid.net 证书的服务器可以直接从 Connect Web UI 中进行管理 ...
UnRaid server using default community application template. When connecting locally via the IP address of my UnRaid server, everything works great. However, once I try to go through my swag reverse proxy, with the below config from the readme, I am able to connect and login, but continually...
docker run -d --name=Jellyfin -p 8098:8096 --privileged=true -e TZ=Asia/Shanghai -e PUID=0 -e PGID=0 --device=/dev/dri:/dev/dri -v /mnt/mydisk/tools/jellyfin/config:/config -v /mnt/mydisk/tools/jellyfin/cache:/cache -v /mnt:/mnt:rslave --add-host=api.themoviedb.org:13...
目前的功能包括:CPU内存状态、网速、传感器信息,磁盘空间状态查看,docker容器控制,自定义导航页。 安装方法,运行: docker run --name fuban_server \ --privil… 阅读全文 如何在UnRaid6.9上运行一个能玩游戏的VM 阿瑟多福 阿瑟多福 有了UnRaid,你不止拥有一个大容量的NAS,它还能用来玩游戏! 而且能让你家里...
To my understanding, connecting to share while using tailscale should be as easy as just typing in your tailscale IP and share name. e.g. \\\Media. But Windows is failing to connect for no clear reason. I'm able to ping my unRAID server and connect to the dashboard. ...
I currently have a problem with my new Unraid server. When I try to move / delete things on my share through my windows computer signed in as admin with read/write access to the share, it says I need permissions of user \nobody to do that. I understand that that is the default user...
mount /dev/myvg/mylv /data cp /usr/local/ * /data #复制数据到/data下,准备模拟用 lvcreate -n testsnap -L 50M -p r -s /dev/myvg/mylv #创建逻辑卷快照名为testsnap,大小是50M,-p r为只读的,防止使用,-s统计备份所需空间 mkdir /snap ...