I am also facing this issue and I can confirm that it is happening on podman and containerd but everything is working fine in the docker environment. What I was able to see from the changelog of the calibre container is that it stopped working after s6 version 3 was introduced. The image...
unRAID 设置通过Proxy上网(改进Update更新速度) can I set unRAID to use a proxy to connect to internet Trial cannot connect through web proxy PROXY EDITOR, 代理插件 解决Unraid访问应用商店及系统更新时网络连接失败的问题,UNRAID HTTP代理问题 装APP商店 参看:Unraid 安装 app 中心和插件,Unraid Server安装 a...
When I leave it to host network, some of the ports are already used When I try to add it to my MacVlan Network, the logs show "add bridge failed: Operation not permitted" Not sure where to go from here. I'm letting UnRaid approximate the...
Next, we need to connect the external means to install UnRAID on the QNAP NAS. Unlike when you set up your QNAP NAS for the first time, UnRAID cannot typically be installed via the network like QTS. UnRAID requires you to use a KVM (keyboard, Video Mouse – though you won’t need a...
Not encrypted=未加密 not encrypted=未加密 NOTE=注意 Numbers_array=thirty:30 twenty-nine:29 twenty-eight:28 twenty-seven:27 twenty-six:26 twenty-five:25 twenty-four:24 twenty-three:23 twenty-two:22 twenty-one:21 twenty:20 nineteen:19 eighteen:18 seventeen:17 sixteen:16 fifteen:15 fourt...
Links in Updates not working (when updating via new) ByNewDisplayName,January 14 0replies 934views NewDisplayName January 14 Discord link invalid BySpecialED,December 30, 2023 1reply 1.2kviews zspearmint January 2 Locked or frozen unraid - im lost ...
with a VM. I wasn't ever planning on revisiting this issue as unRAID was supposed to implement this as a feature in a future release. Well, after several years and numerous unRAID upgrades, not only am I still waiting for this feature, but the solution I was using stopped working. ...
Shares not working I cannot access any of my shares, even when sitting in front of my pc looking at everything working properly when I try to see the shares via this app it says I must be on the same network. The only time I saw anything work properly was before I added SMB accou...
Even though my Plex container seemed to be working perfectly, I also failed to record to the Synology library I setup for Plex's DVR earlier today. Neither container can write to the Synology NAS. Also, I'm not interested in Plex's DVR fea...
STEP 2-Start VM and connect via SSH Start VM and load tiny red core Once the OS is loaded, open the terminal and enter ifconfig to find out the ip of the machine Connect via ssh (with Putty) to the obtained IP address. user: tc password: P@ssw0rd STEP 3-Run the following...