检查,SETTINGS -> Network Settings -> IPv6 privacy extensions: Disabled,是不是这么设置的。 docker 的 ipv6 6.8.2 的配置方法继续有效。 Network Type:为Custom: br0, 手工指定一个 IPv4的地址。 高级视图编辑中,Extra Parameters:加入参数 --sysctl net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=0 --sysctl net.ip...
You can try and reset your modem and router to fix this issue, or set static DNS addresses (Settings - Network Settings) of and and try again.按照提示,把你的unraid的DNS改成208.67.222.222 、试试,或者安装地址用这个 https://www.52help.net/ad/nas/...
Network -> Interfaces -> LAN -> Edit -> DHCP Server -> General Setup 中, Lease time 设置为 1h。(租期: 1小时)。 当重拨后,获取到新的 ipv6_prefix,客户机,可以更快的更新到新的 ipv6(有状态), Network -> Firewall -> General Settings 中,有三个 reject 改为 drop。 参考【设置openwrt路由...
You can try and reset your modem and router to fix this issue, or set static DNS addresses (Settings - Network Settings) of and and try again.Alternatively, there is also a chance that the server handling the application feed is temporarily down.Last JSON error...
network settings=网络设置 New data disks detected=检测到新数据磁盘 next device=下一个设备 No array data disks have been assigned=未分配任何阵列数据磁盘 No data disks=没有数据磁盘 no devices=没有设备 No parity check history present=没有奇偶校验历史记录 No self-tests logged on this ...
Please check Settings > Network=请检查设置 > 网络 Please confirm closure=请确认关闭 Please copy the correct key file to the config directory on your USB Flash boot device or choose Purchase Key or Replace Key=请将正确的密钥文件复制到 USB 闪存启动设备上的 */config* 目录,或选择“购买密钥”...
解决1:进入truenas实体主机界面,输入选项7,Reset Root Password,ok。 NAS : Network Attached Storage DAS:Direct Attached Storage SAN:Storage Area Network unRAID NAS Server Pro 6.8.1 https://post.smzdm.com/p/a99v2zro/ UNRAID是基于LINUX slackware的RAID系统,就是带有校验盘(即容错功能)的JBOD。可以做NAS...
3.4) From another device connected to the same network as your booted Unraid Server OS, go tohttp://tower.localin your Browser of choice 3.5)Select the disk to install/store the Unraid Server OS files to from the drop down menu of "Disk 1" ...
如果下载没有速度,可以添加tracker【https://trackerslist.com/#/zh】 参考文章 UNraid教程:用Docker一分钟安装QB下载工具!采用荒野无灯qbittorrent镜像! BT下载教程 篇四:qbittorrent 设置补充说明及更换WEB UI 作者声明本文无利益相关,欢迎值友理性交流,和谐讨论~...
Host Port 1:*Container Port: 443容器内443端口对应宿主机unraid的端口。随便挑一个没被占用的,我用了1443 Host Path 2:*Container Path: /data填unraid序列里创建的一个用来存储nextcloud数据的共享文件夹,我的是/mnt/user/nextcloud APPLY启动,访问https://xx.xx.xx.xx:1443进入安装网页界面。(xx.xx.xx.xx...