如图所示,修改 IPv4 address assignment 为 Static,设置 IPv4 地址,默认网关,APPLY 应用设置。等待几秒钟后,在浏览器中使用修改后的 IP 地址访问 Unraid 后台即可。 在NetworkSettings 里可以查看到 MAC address,这是当前网络接口的物理地址,熟悉路由器配置的刀客塔可以进入自己的路由设置,把刚刚设置好的 IP 地址和 ...
SETTINGS >> NetworkSettings 如图所示,修改 IPv4 address assignment 为 Static,设置 IPv4 地址,默认网关,APPLY 应用设置。等待几秒钟后,在浏览器中使用修改后的 IP 地址访问 Unraid 后台即可。 在NetworkSettings 里可以查看到 MAC address,这是当前网络接口的物理地址,熟悉路由器配置...
如图所示,修改IPv4 address assignment为Static,设置 IPv4 地址,默认网关,APPLY应用设置。等待几秒钟后,在浏览器中使用修改后的 IP 地址访问 Unraid 后台即可。 在NetworkSettings里可以查看到MAC address,这是当前网络接口的物理地址,熟悉路由器配置的刀客塔可以进入自己的路由设置,把刚刚设置好的 IP 地址和 MAC 地址...
点击 Unassigned Devices 右边设置的图标可以找到 SMB Security 设置用户访问权限。 Network Settings 里将 Network protocol 修改成了IPv4/IPv6留给以后折腾 pt(现在还只有学校的 pt,放假回到家发现蝴蝶的 ipv6 关闭访问了,目前处于闲置状态,求药 ) Jellyfin的安装和配置参考了阿文菌的文章和司波图的视频 光猫改桥接(...
Please change share SMB security=请更改 SMB 共享安全性 Please check your system settings to support UEFI boot mode=请检查您的系统设置以支持 UEFI 引导模式 Please try again=请重试 Pool Devices=池设备 Pool name already exists=池名称已存在 Pool of %s devices=该池包含 %s 个设备 Pool Sta...
In Unraid go to "Settings" => "Network Settings" => "Enable VLANs", set it to "Yes" and make the necessary settings (Docker and VM service must be terminated beforehand). The newly created VLAN (e.g. "br0.5") can now be selected when creating the container. Variation 3: Custom Do...
"developer_settings":{ "enable":false, "bark_server_address":"" }, "timeline_fixer_settings":{ "max_offset_time":700, "min_offset":0.2 }, "experimental_function":{ "auto_change_sub_encode":{ "enable":false, "des_encode_type":0 ...
Network MAC: this is set randomly, though you can change it. Network Bridge: br0 USB Devices: I recommend leaving all unchecked for now. USB Mode: 2.0 (EHCI) is what I found worked for me. Other PCI Devices: I recommend leaving all unassigned until you confirm the VM launches correctly...
Network Settings=网络设置 New Config=新配置 New Permissions=新权限 Next=预览版 No filter=无过滤 No notifications present=没有通知 No personal information such as user names, passwords, or any other file contents is included in the hardware profile=硬件配置文件中不包括用户名、密码或任何其...
TheDynamix System Tempplugin will add in key temperature values for your CPU and motherboard probes directly into each relevant section within the main dashboard. It will also change the bottom status bar on every page to show CPU, motherboard, and fan speeds so that you don’t need to be...