At the first startup, the data drive and the cache drive both would show asUnmountable. That’s because they both need to be formatted for an empty file system to be created. To format the drives, check the option,“Yes I want to do this”. On the warning pop-up that comes up, c...
--drives 删除指定驱动器上的分区 --initlabel 初始化磁盘卷标为系统架构的默认卷标 --linux 擦除所有的linux分区 --none(default)不移除任何分区 例: clearpart --drives=hda,hdb --all --initlabel zerombr (可选) 清除mbr信息,会同时清空系统用原有分区表 drivedisk (可选) 如果使用特殊存储方式时,需要...
Should I replace these drives? ByRenel,11 hours ago 3replies 31views Renel 9 hours ago Docker img size ByRenel,10 hours ago 2replies 23views Renel 10 hours ago Wrong Pool State cache - too many missing/wrong devices Byblueharford,13 hours ago ...
Click on theMaintab and choose yourParityandMaindrives. Tap theStartbutton to initialize the array. If Unraid displays theUnmountable: Unsupported or no file systemerror, click on theFormatbutton to set a new file system for the faulty drive(s). Switch to theSharestab and hit theAdd Sharesb...
How to Install and Set Up an unRAID NAS Server (with SMB, Tailscale VPN, and Plex) Go to and download the USB creator app for your Windows or Mac computer. Connect the USB drive or data drives or M.2 drives that you want to use for the unRAID OS to boot ...
each part of the parity drive holds the value of all other drives x-ored, so you can rebuild any one drive. Note that this only works, when you replace that drive on its own, not, when you replace 1 failed drive with 2. Adding a second parity allows any 2 drives to fail but tha...
My intention is to use them for my docker/appdata/vm disks. Ideally they will be protected with some form of software raid (zfs or btrfs raid1 I guess) but I am afraid that formatting them in this manner the filesystem overhead might negate the benefit of the drives performance. I...
26.) Confirm to delete All data on the drives 27.) DSM will be installed and is reachable on the same IP Address after the reboot. That's it. Have Fun. Btw. DVA3221 has 8 Camera Licenses included for Surveillance Station and it Works also with Version Surveillance Station 9.0.0-7660 ...
Returning to the main screen will show your newly added disks. Format the drives by simply clicking the "Format" button in the Command Area. Figure 4: Formatting the Drives Figure 5: Formatting in Process unRAID will happily run without a parity drive, leaving you the option to add one lat...
. One of the big advantages of making that upgrade was being able to use drives larger than 2 terabytes. The way unRAID works is that the parity drive has to be as large or larger than any other drive in the array. I had delayed in adding any drives to the existing hardware for a ...