Reset ratios back to defaults, took it into maintenance mode, unassigned drive then started a rebuild – completely blank drive and its estimating 18 hours for a rebuild. Then I discovered UnRAID 6.12.11 has some incompatibility with 6/ 8Tb Ironwolf drives, you have to edit /flash the disk ...
- Add: Cancel buttons to add remote share and format disk. - Add: Update disk status when a change is detected (disk spin up or down). - Add: Update remote server status every 15 seconds. - Add: Spin down option to rc.unassigned script. ...
you power off the server, add the new drive, turn it back on, and it will show up under Unassigned Devices. Next, run a plugin called Preclear to prepare the drive for use, then format it.
unassigned=未分配 Unknown=未知 unknown=未知 Unraid OS=Unraid OS Unraidnet re-authentication required=需要重新认证 Unsupported Feature=不支持的功能 Update Container=更新容器 Update Now=立即更新 Update VM=更新虚拟机 Update=更新 update=更新 Updated=已更新 Upgrade Key=升级密钥...
Other PCI Devices: I recommend leaving all unassigned until you confirm the VM launches correctly. Uncheck Start VM after creation Hit Create. Copy the OS Drive to an image Next up, you need to copy the data from your OS drive to an virtual disk image that the VM can boot off of. Id...
After that completed, I shut down the array and added the new drive. Upon starting the array, I was given the error "Unmountable: Unsupported partition layout". I couldn't figure out just what to do because there was nowhere to format the new drive (not even unassigned devices). I decid...
Go to 'Apps' tab and search for 'unassigned devices' install the plugin. Connect a new hard drive to unraid ( it must be a drive not assigned to your array ) Then go to your 'Main' tab and you will see the following (drive names will be different): You would click on 'Format'...