All I see is normal ftp server clients but I want the ssh connection. Toggling it on and off would be nice as well. chroot the user(s) dont use the default port on your WAN Can There is no such thing as SFTP server. If you have SSH access, you have SFTP access. SFTP is just ...
总结一下step5到目前的前置操作: 1.安装ftp服务端,客户端,并启动ftp服务端 2.创建ftp用户,此用户不能登陆服务器,只能用于ftp上传(局域网内也可以不做nologin限制),用户名:ftpuser 密码:ftppassword 我用的是123456, ,创建上传目录:/data/ftp/ftpuser/upload --- 配置ftp服务器,终于可以配置ftp服务器了编辑配...
FTP server=FTP 服务器 FTP Server=FTP 服务器 FTP users=FTP 用户 Full Balance recommended=推荐全部余额 gateway name or address=网关名称或地址 Gateway=网关 Generate Key=生成密钥 Generate Keypair=生成密钥对 Global Share Settings=全局共享设置 Global SMART Settings=全局 SMART 设置 Header custom backgroun...
来来回回的安装服务器,是时间写个pipline了,在这里主要记录下生产环境下的一台基于深度学习的linux服务器,需要搭建那些服务 文章目录前言一、开工1.1 切换yum源1.2 minicoda安装1.3 docker安装1.4 git相关1.5安装ftp, (步骤最多,最麻烦)1.5 拉取镜像二、nfs服务2.1 服务端安装2.2 客户端安装二、安装cuda2.1 前置...
:ftp_server_help: 启用或禁用 FTP 服务器守护程序。默认为启用 FTP 服务器。 这一设置不会保存,也就是说,一旦系统重新启动,它将恢复为默认设置。 :end :ftp_users_help: 输入允许使用 FTP 访问服务器的用户名(使用空格分开)。 要禁止任何用户的访问,请清除该项设置。 **注意:**不要输入用户名 `...
DB_HOSTServer Hostname e.g.mariadb DB_NAMESchema Name e.g.database DB_USERusername for the database - userootto backup all MySQL of them. DB_PASS(optional if DB doesn't require it) password for the database DB_PORT(optional) Set port to connect to DB_HOST. Defaults are provided ...
参考【How to Set Up a NFS Server on Debian 10 Buster】 防火墙设置参考【Debian9.5 系统配置NFS配置说明】,把mountd、nlockmgr 的端口固定下来。 配置文件/etc/default/nfs-kernel-server可以设置mountd服务的固定端口, RPCMOUNTDOPTS="--port 32767" #设置规定端口好为32767,重启服务生效 ...
Both FreeNAS and UnRaid can do FTP but if i remember correctly UnRaid was a little more to setup where FreeNAS is out of the box enable and go. If you are looking for a good all around server consider ESXI running multiple guest. With dual NICs you can setup pfSense as a firewall,...
I did telnet from each of the 5 machines to the IP address listed for the UnRaid server (192.168.1.XX). When I lsof the ports I noticed that nothing listed for emhttp. root@Tower:~# lsof |grep LISTEN rpc.portm 1321 bin 5u IPv4 4024 TCP *:sunrpc (LIS TEN) rpc.statd 1325 ...
1)加载ipip模块[root@beijing ~]# modprobe ipip[root@beijing ~]# lsmod |grep ipipipip 13465 0 tunnel4 13252 1 ipipip_tunnel 25163 1 ipip2)配置脚本[root@beijing ~]# cat #!/bin/bashVIP= //隧道地址:VIPPORT=80case $1 in start) #加载ipip模块 modprobe...