extern "C" { // So that the C++ compiler doesn't adjust your function names #endif The first function that you need to define is theIsAmountValidfunction. This function will receive adoubleparameter for the amount. If the amount is greater than 0.00, the function will return1to indicate ...
Challenge #7: The C adaptation layerP/Invoke is only able to call C functions, exposed here through the extern "C" { } cdecl calling convention. This means that to be able to invoke the C++ part of the Calculation Engine, a C to C++ translation layer needed to be created. It ...
You can now use the “muxc” namespace to access Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Control enabled controls. Other significant updates in Uno Platform 3.2 We’ve updated the Uno Platform Visual Studio 2019 Wizard to include a list common issues found when starting a project. UISettings GetColorValue and A...
<Page ... xmlns:muxc="using:Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Controls" ... > <muxc:TabView HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" VerticalAlignment="Stretch"> <muxc:TabViewItem Header="Home" IsClosable="False"> <muxc:TabViewItem.IconSource> <muxc:SymbolIconSource Symbol="Home" /> </muxc:TabViewItem.Icon...
A Space-Shooter Game on the Web with C#, WASM, and Uno Platform17 Aug 2022 Growing up as a 90s kid, I played many space shooter games, which gave me a profound love for arcade-style games. This prompted the idea of building my own game, only this time; I wanted my game to run ...