先进入容器:docker exec -it 容器名或容器id /bin/bash 进入容器执行,apt-get install net-tools 命令 再执行,apt-get install iputils-ping 命令 容器不停止退出:Ctrl+P+Q 然后再次执行 docker exec -it 容器名或容器id ping [ip地址] [root@fanguoan /]# docker exec -it tomcat-net-01 ping 192.168....
docker启动容器时报错unknownshorthandflag:‘n‘in-name docker启动容器时报错unknownshorthandflag:‘n‘in-name unknown shorthand flag: 'n' in -name See 'docker run --help'.是因为docker run -itd -name pg中执⾏启动命令时应该⽤--name⽽不是-name ...
unknown shorthand flag: 'd' in -d /usr/libexec/docker/cli-plugins/目录下没有docker-compose或者有docker-compose但执行docker help显示 Invalid Plugins: compose failed to fetch metadata: exit status 1 实际上是docker-compose未安装或者docker-compose版本太低 解决下载 docker-compose curl -SL https://g...
在解答您关于docker compose up -d命令中遇到的unknown shorthand flag: 'd' in -d错误时,我将遵循您给出的提示,分点进行说明。 1. -d标志在docker compose命令中的通常含义 在Docker Compose中,-d或--detach标志的用途是让容器在后台运行,即“detached”模式。这意味着当您启动服务时,终端不会阻塞在这些服务...
Is it possible to override with -i flag to retrieve the .ipa of a specific version? Hoping this would also solve this issue at the same time. Version 2.1.4 Relevant log output $ ipatool download -i 865924040 3:33PM ERR error="unknown shorthand flag: 'i' in -i" success=false $ ...
Expected behavior Docker allows executing chained commands like rm with ps in powershell. Actual behavior unknown shorthand flag: 'a' in -aqf error is displayed (see steps). If we remove a flag, the same error will point to q flag. Infor...
unknown shorthand flag: ‘d’ in -d See ‘docker --help’. rimelek(Ákos Takács)February 2, 2023, 10:44pm2 It looks like yourdocker-composecommand is actually a shell script which runs the docker command. “up” might be supported in that script but-di...
[Step 5]: starting Harbor ... unknown shorthand flag: 'd' in -d See 'docker,##实现Step5:启动Harbor在解决这个问题之前,我们需要了解一下整个过程的步骤。下面是实现Step5的流程:|步骤|描述||---|---
unknown shorthand flag: ‘i’ in -inputFormat docker version gives Client: Version: 17.06.2-ee-6 API version: 1.30 Go version: go1.8.3 Git commit: e75fdb8 Built: Mon Nov 27 22:46:09 2017 OS/Arch: windows/amd64 Server: Version: 17.06.2-ee-6 ...
unknown shorthand flag: 'n' in -name See 'docker run --help'. 是因为docker run -itd -name pg中执行启动命令时应该用--name而不是-name