先进入容器:docker exec -it 容器名或容器id /bin/bash 进入容器执行,apt-get install net-tools 命令 再执行,apt-get install iputils-ping 命令 容器不停止退出:Ctrl+P+Q 然后再次执行 docker exec -it 容器名或容器id ping [ip地址] [root@fanguoan /]# docker exec -it tomcat-net-01 ping 192.168....
docker-compose up命令用于创建并启动所有服务。通常,-d参数是用来在后台运行容器的。因此,命令本身是正确的。 确认docker-compose的版本是否支持-d参数: -d参数是docker-compose的一个常用选项,用于在后台运行服务。如果你的docker-compose版本不支持这个参数,那么很可能是版本过旧。你可以通过运行以下命令来检查docker...
/usr/libexec/docker/cli-plugins/目录下没有docker-compose或者有docker-compose但执行docker help显示 Invalid Plugins: compose failed to fetch metadata: exit status 1 实际上是docker-compose未安装或者docker-compose版本太低 解决下载 docker-compose curl -SL https://github.com/docker/compose/releases/downlo...
the “docker-compose.yml” is within the folder the command has been started in and the following content: version: ‘3’ services: odoo: image: odoo: 11 restart: always ports: - “8069: 8069” links: - db volumes: - ./extra-addons:/mnt/extra-addons ...
What happened? is the flag --app-id supposed to point to <key>softwareVersionExternalIdentifiers</key> ? I am trying to download a specific app version using the Build version number (obtained in iTunesMetadata.plist, see here for findin...
老师,您好,我在使用docker bulid -t 命令时报错。报错信息是unknown shorthand flag:“t” in -t,tty也不行。在docker命令中我也没有找到这个命令。我用的是centos 7,麻烦您指点一下MarChang 2019-04-18 17:30:49 源自:3-3 DIY一个Base Image
Expected behavior Docker allows executing chained commands like rm with ps in powershell. Actual behavior unknown shorthand flag: 'a' in -aqf error is displayed (see steps). If we remove a flag, the same error will point to q flag. Infor...
I am trying to create and run docker container from my docker-compose.yml file through the command by going into that location where the docker-compose.yml file is present through the command : docker-compose up -d. However I am getting the below error. Plea...
在启动Harbor之前,我们需要根据自己的需求修改Harbor的配置文件。进入Harbor文件夹,在harbor.yml文件中进行修改。 你可以使用任何文本编辑器打开该文件,并根据你的需求修改配置。例如,你可以修改Harbor的端口号、存储路径、认证方式等。 Step 4: 安装Docker
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