package='rtabmap_odom', executable='stereo_odometry', name='stereo_odometry', output='screen', parameters=[{ "frame_id": 'base_footprint', "odom_frame_id": 'odom', "publish_tf": True, "wait_for_transform": 5.0, "wait_imu_to_init": False, "sync_queue_size": True, "qos": 1,...
Collectively, these results suggest that the frameshifted RT possesses the selective infidelity that characterizes DGR-mediated hypervariation. The first variable repeat resides in the C-terminus of ORF 51 that is located downstream of the tail fiber genes, suggesting that this gene codes for a ...
Prostredníctvom úžasných možností prispôsobenia si svoje vozidlo pretvoríš na svoj obraz. Plnením úloh, prechádzaním obchodu alebo stavaním podľa plánov získavaš herné predmety a odomykáš prémiový k...
BonoloAWF added type:bugSoftware flaws or errors. priority:highHigh urgency and importance. on Jan 5, 2023 mitsudome-r self-assigned this on Jan 10, 2023 YamatoAndo added component:localizationVehicle's position determination in its environment. (auto-assigned) ...