In the following example, sysadmin has allowed user john to restart apache server. Now, john can restart the apache from his account itself by using “sudo” followed by the command to restart the apache as shown below. Before executing the apache restart command, sudo will prompt for john’...
This command creates three new sub-directories (memos, letters, and e-mail) in the current directory: mkdir memos letters e-mail Linux mkdir example - How to create several subdirectories at one time Use the-poption of themkdircommand to create multiple levels of subdirectories with one comma...
To perform a case-insensitive search with the Unix/Linux find command, use the-inameoption instead of-name. For example, if you want to search for all files and directories namedfoo,FOO, or any other combination of uppercase and lowercase characters beneath the current directory, use this co...
Use the wget command again to download the software API dataset into the data directory: Bash Copy wget -P data/ Here's an example of the output from the wget command: Output Copy ...
Example of config file The fields names can be different than from related command line options: ascii_menu = false bold_labels = false bold_cursor = false ignore_case = false ignore_lower_case = false no_cursor = false no_sound = false no_mouse = false less_status_bar = false no_hig...
This example displays a command for executing a batch process report: Copy runube KL5952 mypass PROD *ALL R0006P XJDE0001 QBATCH I P D printer_1 Previous Page Next Page © Oracle About Oracle Contact Us Products A-Z Terms of Use & Privacy Cookie P...
Prezto enriches the ZSH command line interface environment with sane defaults, aliases, functions, auto completion, and prompt themes. There are some prezto-specific plugins at pumice Pumice is a lightweight plugin manager for ZSH. ryzshrc ryzshrc is a ...
Example:'ls' Output Arguments collapse all status— Command exit status 0 | nonzero integer Command exit status, returned as either0or a nonzero integer. When the command is successful,statusis0. Otherwise,statusis a nonzero integer.
The delete unix_group command is used to delete a UNIX group. Format delete unix_group name=? Parameters Parameter Description Value name=? Name of the UNIX group. The value contains 1 to 64 characters, including case-sensitive letters, digits, hyphens (-), periods (.), and underscores...
Example To create a UNIX user, run the following command. admin:/>create unix_user general name=user01 primary_group_name=group1 Command executed successfully. To query all UNIX users, run the following command. admin:/>show unix_user general User ID User Name Primary Group Name User Type ...