echo "This is a test email sent from Linux mail command" | mail -s "Test Email" ``` 以上命令中,“This is a test email sent from Linux mail command” 是邮件内容,“Test Email” 是邮件主题, 是接收邮件的邮箱地址。运行命令后,就可以发送邮件了。 除...
echo “$output” | mail -s “Command Output” “` 该脚本执行了ls -l命令,并将输出结果通过邮件发送到你的邮箱。 – 将该脚本保存为一个文件,例如,并为其添加可执行权限: “` chmod +x “` – 执行该脚本文件: “` ./ ...
You run the command... and, oops:sendmail: Cannot open mailhub:25. The reason for this is that we didn't provide mailhub settings at all. In order to forward messages, you need an SMTP server configured. That's where SSMTP performs really well: you just need to edit its configuration...
Alternatively, you can use the echo command to pipe the message you want to send to the mail command as shown below. $ echo "sample message" | mail -s "sample mail subject" email_address For example, $ echo "Hello world" | mail -s "Test" Output Let’s assume you...
nano ~/.mailrc “` 这会打开一个文本编辑器,在其中可以添加或修改配置选项。例如,可以设置默认的发件人和发件人邮箱等。 5. 测试mail命令:安装和配置完成后,可以尝试使用mail命令发送一封测试邮件。在终端中输入以下命令: “` echo “This is a test email” | mail -s “Test” ...
system(command); } ``` 在send_email函数中,我们使用sprintf函数来格式化命令字符串,然后使用system函数来执行该命令。在这里,我们将收件人、主题和邮件内容作为send_email函数的参数,通过命令行工具mail来实现邮件发送。 最后,我们可以在main函数中调用send_email函数来发送邮件: ...
2. Using ‘mail’ Command mailcommand is most popular command to send emails from Linux terminal. Use few of below examples to send an email. [root@tecadmin ~]# mail -s "Test Subject" < /dev/null -s is used for defining subject for email. ...
50. Awk Command Awk is a software utility that one can leverage to write small programs in the way of statements. Users can utilize these statements to define text patterns which can be searched in a document. One of the primary purposes of Awk is to scan patterns and processes. ...
08***echo"Goodmorning!"|mail-s"Greeting" 其中,“echo”命令用于输出邮件内容,“mail”命令用于发送邮件。 五、总结 Crontab是Linux系统中非常便捷的定时任务工具,通过简单的命令即可轻松实现各种自动化操作。本文详细介绍了Crontab的基本语法和特殊字符,并通过实例分析讲解了如何使用Crontab进行定时任务...
$ Subject: Email Testing from Linux Dear, It is very easy to send an email from Linux command line. Thanks, Ramesh . If you want to read the body text from a file (for example, ...