1. Statement of Purpose 2. CV/Resume 3. 本科成绩单或者研究生阶段成绩单 4. 三封推荐信 5.不需要 GRE,但是如果提交了学校会作为申请材料之一纳入考虑 (在申请愈发激烈的情况下,建议同学们还是提交一个不错的成绩增强竞争力) 6. 英语能力...
目的陈述(Statement of Purpose); ⭐硕士申请费 暂未提供 ⭐硕士申请方式 文理研究生院: 斯特恩商学院:
* 个人陈述 Statement of Purpose * 2 封推荐信 Recommendation Letter推荐信应围绕以下方面: How long have you known the applicant and in what capacity? What do you consider the applicant’s strengths? In which areas could the applicant exhibit additional growth or improvement? How would you describ...
个人陈述:Statement of Purpose(Writing Seminars M.F.A.申请者要用个人作品和评论文章代替个人陈述) 成绩单:transcripts of all previous college and university which have attended 推荐信:Letters of Recommendation(在填写申请表时,填写推荐信撰写人姓名,电邮地址,至少2封。科学技术史专业在必要情况下接受纸质推荐...
学校不强制要求推荐信,但一定需要提供statement of purpose。 如果申请者没有工科背景,学校需要申请者需要完成一些先修课,包括: 前方高能!!! 据校方人士透露,大部分申请者的GRE成绩不低于310分(写作不低于3.0),托福成绩不低于90分。学校也倾向于有计算机或者编程基础的申请者,有职业工作经验的申请者也颇受欢迎。GPA...
个人陈述(Statement of Academic Purpose: Highlight your future plans, past experience, and goals as part of your Graduate School application.) Resume/CV (Demonstrate your experience including employment, community service, education, honors, and activities.) ...
Statement of Purpose 简历 三封推荐信 GRE TOEFL/IELTS/Duolingo Interview(may request) 建议先修课:Probability,Mathematical Statistics,Matrix algebra,Applied Regression Analysis,Computation and Data analysis, C, Python, Java, R, Matlab等 注意:
UNIVERSITY MISSION STATEMENT 大学的使命 Columbia University is one of the world'smost important centers of research and at the same time a distinctive anddistinguished learning environment for undergraduates and graduate students inmany scholarly a...
管理学博士 Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Management 其中EMBA、MSMIT、双学位(EMBA&MSMIT)、MSM支持Day-1 CPT。 3. 沙利文大学 Day-1 CPT政策 沙利文大学(Sullivan University)依照USCIS的相关规定,给学生进行CPT工作授权。 其中EMBA、MSMIT、双学位(MBA&MSMIT)或者MSM(experiential learning track)项目的学...