常见错误一:SOP(Statement of Purpose)开头不够有力—过多非相关的个人信息 第一印象通常是最重要的。入学评审委员们通常要阅读成千上百封申请文书,因此必须在SOP(Statement of Purpose)的一开头就吸引他们的注意,才能让他们有兴趣继续阅读并更加了解申请者。因此,强而有力的开头是非常关键的。很多非英语母语的...
When I was younger, I was very interested mathematics. Therefore, I studied hard and spent a lot of time on problems and got excellent grades in my undergraduate math classes. 有趣且具体: My interest in Computer Science began after taking a course at Atlanta Community College. The excellent ...
Statement of purpose也就是目的陈述,一般常见于研究生申请,主要是要和专业、院校进行匹配,映证自己适合这个学校,从而说服对方录取自己。 有的学校虽然叫的PS(个人陈述),但实际要求还是SOP(目的陈述)的要求,只有同时要求PS和SOP的时候,PS才会是原本意义上的个人陈述。 本文主要讲如何去写SOP。作者:留学君链接:zhihu....
As AnundergraduateI involved myself in a wide array of community service activities and even now ...
Statement of Purpose范文1: Computer science (CS) studies require abstract thinking and practical problem-solving skills. Hence, CS students usually need strong theoretical and technical abilities, which I have gained through my undergraduate education. For example, I am well-trained in mathematics, an...
When I was younger, I was very interested mathematics. Therefore, I studied hard and spent a lot of time on problems and got excellent grades in my undergraduate math classes. 有趣且具体: My interest in Computer Science began after taking a course at Atlanta Community College. The excellent ...
由于Statement of Purpose就是要你写出就读的原因,写这篇文章时,时时刻刻都要注意到就读这个学位跟人生目标的关联,这样会显得更有说服力,也表示你是位适合的候选人。 Paragraph 2: My first experience in research dates back to high school. I studied computer programming by myself and created [Project Name...
符合英文写作习惯的Statement of purpose个人陈述范例 Statement of purpose 本文经修改后,作者的学习目的和选择学校的原因显得很清晰、明确,十分令人信服。对比原作者提供的中文稿和专家的修改稿,读者可以清楚地看出中英文写作的区别。 A graduate from the Harbin Institute of Technologies, an institution of higher ...
SCGC is the most selective and competitive class in XXX Univ., yet I kept the highest GPA and was the monitor of the class. The aim of SCGC is to give the young gifted students formal and strict training in mathematics and physics that is more advanced than that of normal undergraduate ...
statement of purpose的格式-回复 Statement of Purpose Introduction The purpose of this statement is to provide a detailed explanation of my goals, aspirations, and motivations for pursuing [subject/topic] as my area of study. In this statement, I willoutline my background, experiences, and future...