2024 Impact Rankings 第 16名 2013 年轻大学排名 Norwich Research Park, Norwich, Norfolk, NR4 7TJ, United Kingdom +44 1603 456161 https://www.uea.ac.uk/ enquiries@uea.ac.uk 大纲 排名 学科 统计数据 照相簿 关于University of East Anglia ...
11 宾夕法尼亚大学 University of Pennsylvania United States 12 加州大学伯克利分校 University of California, Berkeley (UCB) United States 13 墨尔本大学 The University of Melbourne Australia 14 北京大学 Peking University China (mainland) 15 南洋理工大学 Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NT...
University of East Anglia (UEA) is one of the top public universities in Norwich, United Kingdom. It is ranked #=332 in QS World University Rankings 2025. #=332 QS World University Rankings #19 QS WUR Ranking By Subject #62 Europe University Rankings - Northern Europe #149 Europe Universit...
The University of Edinburgh =34 曼彻斯特大学 The University of Manchester =40 伦敦国王学院 King's College London =50 伦敦经济政治学院 The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) 54 布里斯托大学 University of Bristol =69 华威大学 ...
Everything you need to know about University of East Anglia, including league table rankings, student support & course info, accommodation & virtual tours.
=26 201–250 251–300 University of Surrey Guildford =26 201–250 201–250 University of Sussex Brighton =32 251–300 251–300 University of Bath Bath =32 251–300 251–300 University of East Anglia Norwich =34 301–350 301–350 Birkbeck, University of London London =34 301–350 251–...
Explore courses offered by University Of East Anglia in United Kingdom. Find fee information, admission criteria and required IELTS scores. Apply now!
University of East Anglia 9 University of Bath =18 University of Southampton 29 University of Liverpool 10 University of Exeter 20 University of Nottingham 30 University of Leeds Source:Good University Guide TheGuardian2014UniversityRankings The Guardian is another well respected newspaper in the UK tha...
Founded in 1963, the University of East Anglia is a leading academic institution located in Norwich, England, UK. It is ranked 192nd in the 2020 Times World University Rankings. 82% of the university's research outputs are rated as "world-leading" and "internationally outstanding", and its ...