University of East Anglia (UEA) is one of the top public universities in Norwich, United Kingdom. It is ranked #=332 in QS World University Rankings 2025. #=332 QS World University Rankings #19 QS WUR Ranking By Subject #62 Europe University Rankings - Northern Europe #149 Europe Universit...
The University of East Anglia (UEA) is an internationally regarded public research institution, located on the outskirts of Norwich, offering a comprehensive portfolio of undergraduate and postgraduate degree courses spanning a wide range of subject areas. UEA is a research-oriented university and is...
东安格利亚大学(University of East Anglia,简称UEA)。世界一流大学,全球1%的精英大学,欧洲乃至全世界重要的科研中心,在国际学界都颇具影响力。 名列前茅的排名 UEA 一直致力于追求达到国际学术优秀水平,近年不断在各大权威排名榜单中名列前茅。 泰晤士世界大学排名Top182(THE 2022年) ...
TheUniversityofEastAngliaisateachingandresearchinstitutionwitharound15,000… TheUniversityofManchesterisrecognisedgloballyforitspioneeringresearch,… LecturerinClinicalExercisePhysiology UniversityofNewcastleAustralia Australia,Newcastle UniversityofNewcastleAustralia ...
NewcastleUniversityisbasedinNewcastleuponTyne,intheNorthEastofEngland.… TheUniversityofLiverpoolisapublicuniversityandamemberoftheRussell… TheUniversityofEastAngliaisateachingandresearchinstitutionwitharound15,000… CoventryUniversity’slogoisthemythicalphoenix,acreaturethat’ssymbolicofhow… ...
Anglia Ruskin University is one of the top universities in Cambridge, United Kingdom. It is ranked #501-550 in QS WUR Ranking By Subject 2024. Campus locations Campus Name Cambridge Campus Campus (Main Campus) Main Campus Cambridge Campus Campus ...
Ranking(1) TOP TOP 180 In World Ranking 10 In AU Ranking Key Statistics(2) 22% of international students 51.7 number of students per staff 30371 number of students (1)(2) Source: Times Higher Education (2024) Why Choose Macquarie University? Located in High-Tech PrecintGraduates have greater...
It granted the third largest number of intellectual property licences (after Oxford and the University of East Anglia), with 2,235.[209] 【参考译文】在2020/21年度,UCL从知识产权中获得了730万英镑的收入,并通过出售衍生公司的股份获得了2520万英镑的收入。截至2020/21年度,UCL拥有英国大学中第二大的...
Newcastle University is based in Newcastle upon Tyne, in the North East of England.… Coventry University’s logo is the mythical phoenix, a creature that’s symbolic of how … The University of East Anglia is a teaching and research institution with around 15,000…...